Druidic Circles Organization in Scandagliare | World Anvil

Druidic Circles

Druid circles are organizations that operate under spiritual, religious, and legal jurisdiction over a region of nature. As the cities reinforcements of many are often more focused on the affairs of civilizes races and those who threatened them directly, druids circles handle affairs of things yet to come, domestic issues within isolated regions, conservational enforcement, and establishing relations with the "wild" races.   Particular circle are as follow:    
  • Circle of Saguaro: Jurisdiction - Sausordad
  • Circle of Burning Cliffs: Jurisdiction - Autumnallia
  • Circle of Grain: Jurisdiction - Dour
  • Circle of the Alumari (gold volcanic flower): Jurisdiction - Hal Varti
  • Circle of the Mountain Orchid: Jurisdiction - Fordgiar
  • Circle of Pasque: Jurisdiction - Brill
  • Circle of Miasma: Jurisdiction - Swamps of Knopia
  • Circle of Jupiter: Jurisdiction - Tundra of Knopia
  • Circle of Gentiane (mountain flower): Jurisdiction - Mountains of Knopia
  • Circle of Rebirth: Jurisdiction - Plains of Knopia
  Each Warden in Trearche and Eleven Lord in Faegorn Forest have their own druid circle which they operate as well.


Druid circles will bestow select individuals with the rank of Archdruid and Ranger Captain. When these individuals meet, they often are accompanied by an entourage, hence forming a circle. Some gatherings of the circles are scheduled. Normally these happen during the transitionary months of Rebirth, Solstice, Harvest, and Winds. Agendas for the season are put into plan and reports are gathered from the season prior.

Public Agenda

The goal between all the druid circles is common between all branches. Preservation and stability amid an ever-developing world. While there are certainly Luddites within the ranks of druid circles, most believe in achieving a harmonious balance in order to provide access to the best of both worlds.
Leader Title
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