Aetherstone Material in Scandagliare | World Anvil


Aetherstone is the property of Aether physically manifesting and settling in the Material Plane. 
Aetherstone is useful as it can be refined into weaponry and become easily imbued with magical properties. Those looking to upgrade their arsenal highly covet the substance. Along with its capabilities to retain magic, it also has the innate ability to "home" in on sentience. This property makes it particularly useful to archers for their arrows.  This material holds Magical as well Alchemical. When brewed, alchemists and wizards can use Aetherstone as a base for many spells, or break down the components to create additional "Aether sparks". Aether sparks can be utilized as an offensive trajectory that homes in on an enemy like a more controlled Aetherstorm.
Aetherstone is magnetic in nature, though not a conductor.


Material Characteristics

Aetherstone looks like a radioactive stone with an unnatural coloration that swirls and moves even though it is solid. In its raw state, it settles in sharp angles similar to Bismuth

Origin & Source

The Stone comes from the Materialization of Aether that has fallen to the material plane. This most commonly happens from an @Aetherstorm where Aether homes down onto the Material Plane, seemingly prioritizing sentient life before aiming itself at the natural Flora.

History & Usage


Aether can be smelted down and refined like any other ore. Doing so from its raw material purifies the material and allows it to be forged and smithed.
Primarily teal with purples and grey
Common State