Saviors of the Sword Coast Homepage | World Anvil

Saviors of the Sword Coast

10 Hammer 1493 DR

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"Pull up a chair and tell me the tale of how you became a hero! Verily, dare I say, a Savior of the Sword Coast! Ah yes...yes, it all began in Phandalin. Yes, yes of course I know it! Who doesn't! Phabulous Phandalin, indeed!...Go on...What was it like when you first arrived?"
    What were those first words you heard? "Welcome Adventurer! So glad you are here! We can use the help and the town is willing to pay for it!" Yep, that's how it starts!   It all begins in the tiny, struggling town of Phandalin. This is a town of well meaning and determined folk who just want to "live the dream" and make a decent life for themselves. There are some great folks in town...and apparently some not so great ones that might need some dealing with.   And then there's that white dragon that a few folks have spotted in the skies! Well, they are pretty sure it's a dragon. Will you help protect the Phandalin and its people? Of course you will! Sign here. Thank you. Is that really your signature? It is? OK. Do you have a will, or want to get one drawn up while you still can? Got nothing to leave and no one to leave it to? I understand. This is why we are going to get along.   Your adventures will likely include monstrosities, miners, dark wizards, evil cultists, orcs (of course there are orcs!), some vile undead, hunters, slimes, werecritters, and we can't forget DRAGONS!   And it ends (but does it ever truly end?) with you as a HERO!