Middle Dura Settlement in Savaged Eberron | World Anvil
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Middle Dura

The stones in this old district have been worn smooth by the passage of time. There is a definite scent of danger in the air. The Sharn Watch patrols this ward, and these guards are always ready for trouble—though the crime lords often use bribes to ensure that the Watch is nowhere to be seen when certain activities take place. Nonetheless, Middle Dura is certainly safer than the ward that lies below. The Bazaar, the largest market in the city, can be found here, and the taverns and inns of Dura are a common destination for folk who don’t have many coins to rub together.   Middle Dura caters to the working class of Sharn. Its inns and taverns are modest in price, but there’s gold among the dross. The Bazaar is the largest commercial district in Sharn, though it’s certainly shadier than the other major markets in the city. Middle Dura is home to a host of inns and taverns. The King of Fire is a popular tavern and reputable gambling establishment. Ghallanda Hall has the only comfortable rooms in the ward; this old in was the finest Ghallanda enclave in Sharn, and it also has modest and poor rooms for the common folk of Dura.


Social Class: Lower class (2 middle class districts) Character: Lower class ward split between commercial and residential districts; it is the border to the dangerous districts that lie below.

Industry & Trade

Businesses: Almost anything can be found at the Bazaar, including shady goods and contraband; gold piece limit: 25,000 gp


Districts: Marketplace, average residences, tavern district, inn district, tenement district, apartment homes


  • Sharn - Middle Dura
Location under
Key Personalities:
Councilor Hruit (N male shifter druid 6/Sharn skymage 3)

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Cover image: Magic of Eberron by Wayne Reynolds

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