Xiticix Species in Savage Megaverse | World Anvil


Xiticix (Zeye-Tick-Icks) Giant humanoid insects from another world.
Then dem warriors showed up. An' let me tell ya dey looked jus' like giant, flyin' demon ants, jus' a swarmin' and buzzin', cept'n dey wuz as big as a man. Then dem guns o' deres went off, but you only knew it 'cause tings 'round ya started poppin' and breakin' under the impact o' the bullets. Damned guns are silent as hell. Always hated dem Techno-Wiz doo-dads, myself. Yessir I do. How deez damn bugs git such tings I don' know." — CS excerpt from the debriefing of Orion Greenfeld


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