Moon Deer Species in Sasara | World Anvil

Moon Deer

Basic Information


Moon deer are semi-magical beasts that resemble a fallow deer; four thin, long legs, an ovular body type and a thick neck that ends in a rectangular head. The stags possess antlers that continue to grow from adolescence and then throughout their lives, resembling twisted branches. These antlers are believed to hold a magical property that enables the stags to open paths between the feywild (a magical realm) and the material realm. These pathways provide a means of transportation and communication for the Moon Deer between these two worlds. The Moon Deer's most striking feature is its white fur that slightly glows in the moonlight. This adaptation helps them blend in with the night time environment and provides a captivating spectacle in the darkness.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Moon deer, like most deer, are herbivores, primarily grazers, and feed at night within the material realm.


Moon Deer are primarily nocturnal creatures, meaning they are most active during the night. This behavior is likely an adaptation to avoid predators and take advantage of the moonlight to navigate and forage. They enter and leave the material realm at twilight in spaces that are anchored to individual stags that are colloquially known as "moon glades". The deer seem to have a innate understanding of time as, although they may leave the glade while grazing, travelling a long distance exploring, they will instinctually find their way back to the glade before the sun rises. Moon Deer live in herds led by a dominant stag. The herds consist of fauns, which are the smaller members of the species, and the larger, protective stags. The stags take on the role of guardians, watching over and defending the herd against threats.   The deer are primarily pacifist, preferring to run from predators and hunters. The fauns, being smaller and more vulnerable, tend to be skittish and cautious in their behavior. They rely heavily on the protection of the stags and often follow their lead when it comes to foraging and other activities. Stags are known for their strong sense of protectiveness over the herd. They stand tall against any potential threats and have been observed courageously defending their kin from predators or intruders as the herd escapes back to the glade and into the feywilds.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The stags' ability to open pathways between the feywild and the material realm has a profound impact on the interconnectedness of these worlds. It allows for the exchange of energy, magic, and possibly other creatures, further enriching the biodiversity of both realms. Fully developed horns continue to wield these traits, and so are a heavily sought after material for those wishing to create pathways toward the innermost planes of existence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Moon deer have night vision that allows them to see clearly in the twilight and moonlight, but make them highly sensitive to daylight, limiting their ability to navigate during the day. Similarly their hearing is more advanced than most humanoids, acting as their primary defence sense.   Mature stags have demonstrated the ability to understand some humanoids, fey, beasts and elementals, and even the ability to communicate back to the more primordial groups, although how is not fully understood.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

It is not known if the moon deer are native to the Darach Forest or if the deer are native to the feywild and connected for some reason with the region, but they have become key elements of the ecosystem, assisting in the seeding of multiple native and magical plants, as well as providing food for some of the larger, more fierce predators.
Conservation Status
Considered a sacred animal to the Darach within the titular forest, the moon deer are taboo to hunt or kill, and known moon deer meadows are often guarded as sacred sites by the nearest tribe. Regarding Zahdoni proper, it is a superstition that killing a moon deer faun will bring the eternal wrath of the stag, while killing the stag itself dooms the hunter to eternal bad luck as it is thought to essentially doom the herd.


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