Blimberry Species in Sasara | World Anvil


The Blimberry is a unique berry found abundantly in the Zahdoni region, known for its remarkable healing properties.The Blimberry is highly sought after by alchemists and healers for its medicinal qualities, but its potency requires careful moderation.   There healing properties make Blimberries a cherished resource in Zahdoni, sought after by alchemists and healers alike. There careful application and moderation ensure that the benefits of this remarkable berry are harnessed effectively while avoiding any undesirable side effects. The berry serves as a reminder, for all of Zahdoni, of the delicate balance between nature's gifts and the responsible use of their power.

Basic Information


This small, round fruit grows on prickly shrubs that flourish in the wild, often dotting the countryside with their vibrant hues of deep purple and blue.

Biological Traits

The Blimberry contains potent antioxidants and essential nutrients that make it an effective ingredient in alchemical concoctions and healing remedies. When properly utilized, the juice extracted from Blimberries can aid in the mending of wounds, boost the immune system, and alleviate certain ailments.   While the healing properties of Blimberries are widely acknowledged, their potency comes with a caveat. The fruit's juice must be used with caution, as excessive consumption or concentration can have unintended side effects. Ingesting an excessive amount of Blimberry juice can lead to digestive disturbances, particularly diarrhea. This side effect emphasizes the need for precise measurements and proper dosage when incorporating Blimberry juice into alchemical preparations.

Ecology and Habitats

Blimberry bushes are native to Zahdoni and thrive in many of its regions, though most notably in the Durach Forest. under the care of the Green Moss Goblin tribes.

Biological Cycle

The Blimberry season in Zahdoni is eagerly anticipated, with locals and alchemists venturing into the wild to harvest the ripe berries. The berries are carefully plucked, ensuring that only the fully matured ones are gathered to maximize their healing potential. Once harvested, the Blimberries are swiftly processed to extract their juice, which is then carefully stored for later use in alchemical creations.

Additional Information


The bush has struggled with domestication, rarely producing berries in controlled environments, and never in the quantities of the wild. Instead, the bush flowers, spouting flowing flowers of vibrant red, the same colour as the juice within the berries.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Alchemists in Zahdoni have long recognized the value of Blimberries and incorporate them into various potions, elixirs, and salves. When combined with other medicinal herbs and ingredients, the Blimberry juice enhances the potency and effectiveness of the resulting concoctions. . It is particularly valued for its ability to accelerate healing and promote overall well-being, which includes speeding up recovery from serious injury, doubling recovery from both natural and supernatural exhaustion, and even maximising the efficacy of a healing potion.   In Zahdoni, Blimberries are not only used by alchemists but also find their place in traditional remedies passed down through generations. Locals brew Blimberry tea, believed to boost vitality and support overall health. The tea is prepared by infusing dried Blimberries in hot water, allowing the beneficial compounds to steep and create a soothing and healing beverage. When prepared properly, special Blimberry potions can be procured; a weaker version of the traditional alchemists' healing potion, though seemingly at a fraction of the cost. This seems to be a unique process, tightly held by the traditional goblin clans of the region.
Conservation Status
The Blimberry holds a special place in Zahdoni folklore and culture. It is often seen as a symbol of resilience and balance due to its healing and potentially disruptive properties. The locals respect the Blimberry's power and emphasize the importance of moderation and balance in all aspects of life, including its harvest and consumption.


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Aug 15, 2023 19:56 by Deleyna Marr

I like that you included both a common and a more potent use for this.

Aug 20, 2023 04:07 by Iain Wright

Thank you. It was originally my way of adding a light healing potion for my younger players, to make the low levels more forgiving; but to this day (and almost 10 levels later) Blimberry is still my players favourite ingredient to add to anything, including a concentrate that they use to get past guards ;)