The Tavern Building / Landmark in Saru | World Anvil

The Tavern

The Tavern is a neutral ground where anyone or anything can come and find a place to relax, regroup, and retire for an evening. As long as you can pay the entrance fee unless you have been granted safe passage by the Owner or Management staff.
by Gemini


The Tavern is a multi-level establishment that houses much more than meets the eye.
  • The First and Second floors are set up in an open-ish view.  The staff and the patrons can see and move freely between the floors with the multiple stairs connecting the two floors together.  Both of these floors have bars and kitchens to serve and maintain their floors independently. 
  • The Third and Fourth floors are only accessible to those with tokens to pay for their membership on the higher floors.  These floors have protective magic cast on them to prevent most forms of divination or tracking magic.  Also, it's been told that invisible spells don't function as well here.
  • The Fifth and Sixth floors are where groups and individuals can go in order to battle or test out new spells or weapons. Also newly added was an arena where grudge matches can be held for a few tokens.  Rules must be declared beforehand and all bets and such must be done through the Tavern.
  • The Seventh floor is considered Off Limits as this is Managements floor.
Founding Date
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Additional Rulers/Owners