Somethings rotten in Ashborne Plot in Saru | World Anvil

Somethings rotten in Ashborne

In the forest north of Ashborne there is a strange smell that is starting to wash over the town. No one can quite put their finger on what it is or when it started but it's been getting worse over the last few months. This has not been much of an issue and the Lion's Call has said that it's a town issue and they didn't want to trouble anyone to look into it.   That was 3 months ago...   The town is now experiencing the worst stench on record. It's gotten so bad that wildlife has started to leave the area and strange beasts have been reported in the forest. Mutated and malformed beasts have been found at farms around the north side of town.   The Lions Call was placed when some of the local woodsmen went missing after going into the woods looking for some missing kids.