Sartova The Drake Campaigns End

The Drake Campaigns End

Military: Battle


Kenan'thar the Dominator, in a series of hunts, raids, and offensives, leads the eradication of a cabal of dragons that had been terrorizing and feeding off of the Empire for centuries.

Instead of killing many of these great wyrms, he instead captures them in chains of Elysian Bronze and the Empire uses them the same as any other beasts. Kenan'thar houses the more unruly of these in a large cage/prison complex on the eastern coast of Jeria. Known as the Roost, this complex over time contained more and more beasts of all sorts, and grew into a city with the number of Jerians required to house them, and to produce the resources for their own needs.   The Guardian Oaks, where this cabal of Dragonscribes practiced their most powerful rituals, becomes home to a sect of worshippers of the Pillars that aim to undo all the dragons did. The forest becomes more peaceful and is safe enough to be considered part of the Empire.   The Empire's borders extend on the eastern coast from Mandrol to the edge of the Guardian Oaks.

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