Sartova Eboria-4 is created by Arcanists Blackmire and Fontaine

Eboria-4 is created by Arcanists Blackmire and Fontaine

Plague / Epidemic


The Arcanist's study into the Strix's effect on spirits does indeed rend their ephemera in a way so grotesque as to make it an inversion of reality. However, they discover it does so with or without their involvement, and has been doing it to far more than they realized. The plague known as Eboria-4 is created... however, it is both a plague... and a Haunt.

An initial set of patients including the Gravewatcher known as the Ebon Shepard, a Jarat, and a number of citizens, shows great promise. At first they seem docile and easy to implant ideas into, subversion and inception, but quickly go insane as the plague begins to take them, an unintended effect. While Thalus succeeds in altering the spirit of Kinsdale through this arcanoscientific approach, changing the flow of essence through the strix as precise infection like a pattern of bombs, as well as the spirit of the Viridian Theater, he did not forsee that it would spread, and only understood later that the Strix was doing it to everything it touched, and not just responding to ephemeral interaction.   Thalus ends the experiment with the Strix, locking it away and abandoning the lab, but Caspar uses the ideas gained through it to keep the research going, using this narrativistic ideas and following them to the library of all books never written. As the plague spreads, the Panacea Circuit discovers it first and attempts to study it and solve it, but the "Lady of Medicine" is corrupted by the plague and as such they want to cure it by letting it spread for more data.

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