Sartova Cultural Rift in Golryon

Cultural Rift in Golryon

Cultural event


Street conflict in Golryen turns into a war between religions.

Street conflict in Golryen turns into a war between religions, the two sides divided before the most powerful cleric at the time triggered a drought that lasted a dozen years, through a mistake. All religion is then monitored and if any cleric or priest or paladin gets too large a following or too powerful (high in level) he will be watched closely and politely asked to join the Circle of the Heart. The circle is of all the church leaders or influential figures, and their shared belief is that their Divine magics are a gift from their deities, and their deities would not support them harming any others, this shapes their religions to follow. The circle is the most powerful force until year 700. Those who disagree and wish for more freedom of choice and religion leave the city and prosecution, settling Dinlirys.

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