Wood Orcs Species in Sartova | World Anvil

Wood Orcs

The men of Sofer had begun exploring the Sof Jungle to their west for the first time since their founding, and to their surprise, they encountered an entirely new civilization. This civilization had no desire to expand, nor leave their home of En'Sof, so it made sense that their existence was unknown.   The Wood Orcs, slightly shorter than man and stoutly built, with gray skin and tusks, claim that they were created to guard the entire Story from what comes out of the cave in the center of their largest village. Dar'Sof. It is completely unknown how long they have been guarding this cave, but they claim it has been as such forever.   En'Sof is governed by the Chosen, every year the tribe collectively votes on the strongest five of the tribe (very rarely can be an outsider) to go into the Dar'Sof; a dark murky cave out of which terrible monsters frequently come. That which proves itself most becomes the next Chosen.   While of a slightly beastly appearance, they appear to have no relation to the Children of Avernus, due to the fact that upon death, they do not return to a natural state of mud, earth, stone, fire, or the like.

As a Player Option:

  Base Hit Points: 8
Speed: 25ft
Ability Boosts: Strength, Dexterity, Free
Ability Flaw: Constitution
Languages: Orcish, Gol or Jerian or Elvish


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