Limoseht, The Hungry Abyss in Sartova | World Anvil

Limoseht, The Hungry Abyss

The Limosehti Rune is Assimiliation, it's Material Feeding Stone and it's portent 'Strawberries'. Like all of the Themes, it has a holy Rune, named the Guardian who protects, or the Theme's consciousness. Limoseht's holy Rune is Antipathy.   Erinion and the elves who worship the Themes, name Vutarr as the consciousness of Limoseht, separate but connected to Limoseht itself. Vutarr is the god of Punishments and Trials. Reivanta and the men who follow the Guardian Faith name Mendecios as the Guardian against Limoseht. Mendecios is the god of Self-Reliance, and to some as the god of Theft and Revenge.   On the 9th of Oct, on the years that end in 3, Limoseht is Convergent. Raiders all over Sartova are emboldened, cities are attacked by brave beasts or monsters who are too hungry to stop themselves. On the 9th of Oct, on the years that end in 8, Limoseht is Divergent. No obvious effect, however, it is seen throughout history that kind actions of altruism are taken on this day.


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