Gnomes Species in Sartova | World Anvil


The Gnomes came to the Bay of Evandyr dramatically in 742 AB, when a ship fell from the clouds above and fatally crashed into the Northern Golryon Wastes. The survivors of that peculiar event made it past the Fiendwyrms to Golryon and integrate in society.   Where the Gnomes come from has been inaccessible, far far to the south beyond the limits of exploration. The Arcanoscientists of the 'airship' died in the crash, as well as the Artificers that created it. However, the Gnomes that do survive manage to bring what knowledge and application they have to the Arcane Conservatory.   Gnomes are not typically travelers, nor insane fey-creatures. They are intelligent, creative beings that see the world as a sum of its' parts. The majority of Gnomes stayed in Golryon, despite several attempts at traveling back to the South, where they presume their homeland was, and recreating the Airship that allowed them to come North. They already possessed an understanding of the Runic Script, though they never used it for the concise and bombastic methods that the Ancestries of Evandyr did. Those that explored their own understand further after arrival, being granted many Runic tattoos and viewings of the Script for their magitechnological efforts, are known as House Kyndarai.

As a Player Option:

  Base Hit Points: 8
Speed: 25ft
Ability Boosts: Constitution, Intelligence, Free
Ability Flaw: Strength
Size: Small
Languages: Gol


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