Gnolls Species in Sartova | World Anvil


Gnolls, like many of the other Wandering Children, admire strength and power. However, they see themselves as one with the Lost Brothers, craving a good hunt that ends with a sizable beast to consume. Gnolls will often have Wargs and hyenas and even sentient beasts such as young dragons in their hunting parties. Sometimes they are tamed tools, sometimes they are captive slaves which are used to catch prey.   When Reivanta destroyed the First Jeriec Empire, the Gnolls pleaded and bartered with the Generals, offering their services and their words as proof that they would forsake their monstrous tendencies now that Reivanta was in control. The Gnolls in the Bronze Sea returned to their barbaric ways the moment Reivanta was sacked, even joining in on the sacking despite having lived within Reivanta for many centuries.


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