Session 8 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 8

After the battle in the city the party recovers from well needed rest. Sogen begins to formulate a plan going forward. Trying to find the best course of action to retrieve the 10 remaining Ioun stones. He asks the party if they would accompany him to the city to set up a base there. With a lift of one hand, the walls of the underground base began to shift. The floor seemed to stay the same while everything else was moved. In the matter of a couple of hours the party looked down the long hall of the Base at a smoldering city.
  The city was in shambles, the houses and buildings that survived were hanging on by a thread, burned and broken. Sogen's large golem had crushed many houses in an attempt to stop Darpon. The good news, however, was that most of the survivors in the city had started to work on repairs, going through the rubble of their once established city. Susan was there, leading the people with a clean face. (New beginnings)                                          

                                                                                                                                                        It seemed, the hostility that led to the city's demise was soon forgotten. Both the remaining humans and dwarves were working in unison again! Susan was pretty torn about the tavern being destroyed in the battle; however, she saw it as the chance to rebuild. The Party went throughout the city, healing and helping as many as possible, also recovering many artifacts of the city. Alkinn was quiet for most of the day, keeping to herself as she felt guilty for everything. Once she helped who she could the cleric began a communal for those lost in the fight, lighting candles and placing trinkets from some of the victims down, praying to Kelemvor that he would lead them where they were to spend their after lives. The Druid of the City also helped, making food for everyone the survivors so that no one would go hungry. Though the city lay in shambles, the people were as together as they could have been.

Later that day, Sogen discussed with Boul about their next plan of action. With a sorrowful look on his face, Sogen told our adventurers that a certain crystal needed to be obtained in order to track the Ioun Stones. The crystal they needed was a very... very large Flask Stone, powerful enough to track the Ioun stones at long distances. The Problem was however that the stone is question was locked up in one of the many wizards' counsel encampments. Shocked that they were already tasked with the next phase in the plan, Sogen reassures everyone that there should be hardly any issues getting to it as supposedly the camp was long abandoned.
  With little rest that evening, the party prepares themselves for travel. Not knowing what they are about to get themselves into.


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