Session 7 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 7

Lazarus and Izen decipher the poem and share their discoveries with the rest of the group and Sogen. They can only assume that Darpon wants the stones for a wish without consequences. The dread sets upon everyone as they realize they don't know what exactly that Darpon could even wish for being as powerful as he is and that they have all stumbled upon something greater than themselves... the game must go on to stop whatever evil Darpon intends on the world. With this bleak discovery Sogen lets everyone rest for the night under the condition that they help gather a man named Boul from the city the next day. Seeing no other option, the party agrees and starts of in the morning as Sogen states that he sent Arthur ahead of time to tell Boul the news.  As they begin to settle in for the night they investigate the small but rather cozy base they are allowed to stay in.
  In the morning the party is rudely awoken by yelling coming from down the hall. Arthur seems to be running at what seems an unnatural speed down the hall. He chaotically explains to everyone that there is something big going down back at Nore that is quite possibly deadly.  He tells everyone that the city has erupted into a civil war, dwarves against humans. Quickly our adventurers gather their things and make haste toward the city refusing to stop until they get to where they need to go. Wild takes lead, using their survival skills to get to the city a record pace.
  As they arrive on the outskirts of the city, dancing red and orange light fill the sky reflecting off the black smoke above it. People run from the city, women and children with what little belongings they could grab. The city was now in complete chaos, is this the work of Darpon? everyone questions this. As they approach the southern entrance to the city, Lazarus notices something sitting on the wall. A faint clapping noise heard getting louder as they close the distance. Darpon sits proudly atop one of the guard posts, congratulating the party on causing a civil war. The Fey prince offers the party a deal... he can stop all of this if they do one favor for him. Being burned by this before, the party refuses. Never again will they make a deal with this fiend. Disappointed but not surprised, says his goodbyes, watching the party rush into the city. 

The city is ablaze as human and dwarf fight each other. Bodies line the streets as the two mining corporations of the city attack each other. Their hearts beating, the party begins looking for Boul, praying to whatever deities they follow that he was unharmed. They start at his shop and find it ransacked with no sign of the man. Fearing the worst, the party heads toward the royal district of the town. Fire bolts start to line the sky, crashing to the ground as maniacal laughter can be heard from above. Arthur quietly splits from the party, quickly telling them he is going to try to extinguish the fire that was now engulfing the entire city. Dodging fire left and right, the party fights off more members of the civil war. Alkinn gets a hint of one of the kings through the thickest of fires and dives head first, seeing if Boul is nearby and alive. 
  Everyone else focuses on the threats outside the main fire. A large waterspout starts to rise from the lake nearby as Arthur begins to make it grow, aiming to put the fire out. Suddenly, a gleaming light appears from one side of the walls, Darpon begins to conjure a spell that will more than likely only add to the chaos. Lazarus and Izen attempt to take the spell out before it can destroy the spout, but Darpon's spell is too powerful. A fire ball crashes with the waterspout and the water evaporates leaving the fires burning, claiming lives left and right!
  Alkinn approaches, alongside Muta, as they witness the kings locked in battle with one another. Along side them they see dwarven leaders of the dwarven mine and Boul fighting as well. The kings' clash and sparks fly, grunts are heard from both before a new figure appears. Mrs. Susan has two blades attached to each end of her beard. Throwing her deadly weapons at the kings to get their attention. With deadly force the blades anchor each end of her beard around their necks, slowly killing them. Alkinn begs for Susan to stop this, pointing out that all of this was blown way off kilter and that both races shouldn't have to suffer for the kings' injustice. Susan looks as if she is hesitant at first, but she states that all of this will stop once the kings are dead. Feeling helpless and conflicted Alkinn said nothing more, intentionally turning her head away as the last breath of each king escapes their lungs. The Battle was done, both kings were slain. Almost immediately Boul and The Dwarven leaders stop fighting as they try to figure out who had won. Susan, without skipping a beat, yells for both to help evacuate the city. both groups spring into action as Susan was their next leader. The party is rushes out of the burning city, noticing something brewing in the sky, Darpon floats above, striking down citizens that enter his gaze, an all to smug smile stretching his face, his rampage is cut short however as a large boulder is thrown at him, pushing the fiend away from the city. A huge Stone golem stands on the other side ready to fight, clashing as the party retreats from the city. Explosions could be heard, and boulders tossed. Making their way back to the base, our adventurers find Sogen collapsed in his chamber with endless amounts of broken flask stones surrounding him. Darpon was warded off for the time being, but was this a victory?


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