Session 6 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 6

After discovering the two kings' love for one another the party meets outside of the Royal Rock to discuss what the next step will be!! Not agreeing with letting this affair go on the party decides to go tell Mrs. Susan (The Dwarven King's Wife) about the affair, going to investigate the person picking up the flask stones shortly thereafter. As the party arrives at the Inn and run by Mrs. Susan, she greets them with a hearty smile, the tavern quite empty at this point in the day. Unsure how to approach the situation the party looked to one another before Alkinn takes a step up and spills the news. The warm welcome they had been greeted with quickly turned sinister, sparking a flame in Mrs. Susan's heart that would cause a raging fire. Susan thanks the party for the information and promptly shuts down the tavern behind her, kicking the local drunks out with no sliver of mercy to be found. The tavern that once combined humans and dwarves in like company was now a black hole as Susan pondered what she would do about her cheating husband.
  The party watches as Susan braids her beard and walks toward the royal rock. Looking at the time, the party realized that it almost time to "meet" the deliverer, the women of the group looking back toward Susan, slightly afraid of what they had just unleased. Patiently, they wait for their mysterious donor to arrive. A cloaked figure soon arrives, beginning to lay the delivery down before Alkinn leaps into action. Startled of course by this sudden aggression, the figure takes off down the street and a chase ensued. The party quickly tackled and subdued the figure, pulling back their hood. The figure was not a human, at least not anymore as a naked skull rolls on the street. Alkinn reassures that they are not hostile and are actually looking for help from a man by the name of Sogen. After some convincing the skeleton calms down and asks if he can be put back together. He introduces himself as Arthur Otis!

  After the party explains the situation they are in Arthur agrees to lead them to this Sogen. Quickly it seems apparent that somehow Arthur cannot be seen by the residents in the city of Nore as if he was just a figment of their imagination. He even jokes that they are all incompetent compared to him. Arthur Otis leads our adventurers into the forest and to a ravine. Arthur jumps or well, rolls down the cliff onto a small ledge that seems to lead nowhere. Confused but not deterred the party climbs down to join him as he starts shouting to open a door. A large stone man appears from the wall of the cliff, taking in the sights of these newcomers before receding back into the cliff as a door appears, opening to a long, poorly lit hallway. Cautiously, the party begins to walk down the hallway, ready to pull their weapons if this was an ambush. Met with a short, stout, human man at the end waiting patiently the party begins to relax just a tad.

  The man in question introduces himself as Sogen, seeming very cautious as he does so. While our adventurers introduce themselves and explain the problem they are faced with, Sogen seems to relax. He explains that he has fought Darpon before. He remarks that this had been a couple centuries ago and that he believed he had bested. With this information however, Sogen explains that he does not have the will or power to do it alone second time around. He inquires about the stone that the party has seen, something recovering from his mind with this new information. Sogen had once received a poem from a friend in the wizard counsel but explains he is unable to decipher the poem as it seems decrypted. Intrigued by this, Lazarus and Izen took lead in deciphering it, frightened by what they decipher. It reads....
What glints in the past and future is broken,
Eleven of them there are, the only ones spoken,
Each spread across the world,
Some in places barren,
One for the people with scales,
One for the folk with deals,
One for the clan of stone and gold,
But this is only three to behold,
One for the Jack of the world,
One for the Jack’s sea brother,
One more for the Jack’s little brother,
Six you will seek, without all they are neak,
One for the large and brawn,
One for the even larger and strong,
One for the small and greedy,
Two of them left, it is complete.
Something you want, something sweet.
Again, one in the sky.
And the last is a race of the old and wise.
Eleven make one, one for a wish.
Anything you want, and nothing amiss


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