Session 38 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 38

The party makes their way further into the cave and notice that it oppened to a larger room deeper in. As they traverse the room they notice that it seems as if the floor is make out of tiles and broken colloums line the walls. It seemed as if the room they were in was once a man made room and it seemed to be decorated with carving on the wall. In the middle of the room a pedistal with "Claim Your Prize" was written in draconic. As wild walked around the room they notice that the lava around the room was moving in an unatrual manner. Wild leans in and a fire snake pops out of the lava and bite wild in the leg. With retaliation the fires snake screams and more of them appear around the room. It seems as if the lava grows tendrals to attack the group, lazarus has a breakdown infront of everyone. 

As the battle is over tymus and wild notice a large portion of ruins in the other side of the room. Tymus notices a chest and jumps over the lava flow to get to it, as he approaches the chest the ground under him suddenly gives way! He barely misses falling down the chasim and jumps the the pillar next to him. As the chest falls int the lava tube Tymus hears a spash and then nothing. After a bit of speculation Wild asks what Tymus what the deal was and after some conversation Wild decides to fly down the tube as a bird to investigate furhter. 

As this is happening Lazarus and Izen start to investigate something else. Izen notices something in the sourther coridor of the room and asks Lazarus to come with him. After climbing the ledge to get to the top of the corridor he sees a small human shaped creature smiling at him. The creature asks Izen why they were in their home, confused Izen inquires what he was. Izen talks to the Lava child asking what it was and how long it was down there. The lava child make a proposition with Izen saying it wanted to play "Upstairs" with the other people there. Izen proposes they they can only play with people in red and the childeren agree. Ma, fy, ef, and bill show Izen the "shiny" by building a bridge to it. They uncover an fallen elven worrior and a picture of what seems to be an elven woman. Izen and Lazarus collect the treasure

Wild flys down the tube and uncover a large open cave full of water. The cave has a dock inside of it with three old sunken ships littering the wather. Many skeletons of Dragon born litter the decks and the dock of the cave. It seems as if there was sort of a battle here. Wild flys out of the cave and discovers the that a bay leads out to the other side of the island. They fly back and they notice before flying up the ramp, that four banners of differnt colors than the colors of the tyrant that rule above. Wild flys up the shoot and meets the group gathering at one end of the cave.

Ferd looks at the staircase and walks up to the solid wall at the end of it. He tries to pull the rock back but seems as if he has trouble. The party offers to help but ferd pulls out his full strength and forces the stone open. Infront of him a sandy landscape streches out and huge walls tower infront of them. The party stumbles upon the colesium and it was completly empty. The group asese their surroundings and they decide to dig hole into the sand to hide their magical weapons for the next day. Ferd says the only problem was getting them out, and going throught the city was not an option. Wild mentions the underground cave dock and ferd lights up. He says that the next day when the ships arrive in the dock then he will open up the door when he arrives. 

The plan is set and the group starts to head back to the inn. before they leave however  Ferd tells them that they need to make well with eachother before going into the collessium. The party says thank you to ferd and heads to the twisting tounges to inform the blue team what their plan is. They meet the blue team and it seems as if they are very hesitant toward the plan ahead. Vokril asks them what other insights that they might have, and also asks about getting the actual people of the city out of the city as well. The party realizes that this is an issue and rushes to ferds to try to catch him before he leaves. The Blue team meets Ferd and the party explains the problem, ferd says he will try to get some allies to get as many people out of the city as possible. 

The party makes their way back to the inn and alkinn tries to convince the leader of the white team to try to come with  them trying to get out of the collessium. After this the party gets their well deserverd rest. The next moring the party is greeting with another muta, Muta says their goodbyes to the party and tells them she will see them after today is over. Muta makes her way out of the inn and meets the goblins at their meeting spot under the treasury of the dragons. As the day goes on the group sees the crowd of the city gather around the inn, and as the trumpets roar for the teams to be lead to the collessiuim. People mock, cheer, and horray the teams as they make their way to the vollessium. When approaching Four ancient dragons perch on their waiting chairs and they are led into the collessium. The party gets onto a platform and are launched into the area. It looks ver different from before!


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