Session 37 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 37

The next moring rolls around and the first thing that muta does is deliver the strangly shaped flask stone to the goblins that imployed her to get it. She tells the party to not wait up and she goes to the black scale market. The market seems to be more of a busling place than it was the day before, more shops are advertising wares and morre non locals were seen walking through the area. She walks to the original location and uncovers three doors again. She slowly walks up to the door in the middle and the old goblin opens the door again and invites her in. As she walks into the room the old goblin woman calls the others into the room. Thankfully they do not tie muta up again and greet her. The smaller goblin with the devices seems to run over and grab the disc from muta. The older goblin "in charge" of the situation tells muta the basic game plan. They tell muta about how much she can take and how long it might take. Muta gets all this information and tells the guild that they will see her again the next day.

Meanwhile Izen and Lazarus decide to make their way to ferds shack to talk to him about getting out of the situation that they are currently in. They arrive into the non populated hang out area and they approach ferd. Ferd tells them that he has tried many different times to get people out but it has not been a lot of people he knows that many have died from attempting to get out. Izen and Lazarus agree to help ferd when he tells them that his sons have been searching for a way to "get" to the collessium. He tells the two that there is an underground way to the collessium by way of an aboundoned church.

Ferd tells them to meet at the church as soon as possible. Lazarus and Izen make their way back to the main meeting point at the "Inn" and tell them the news. On top of this muta mentions what she will be doing while the group is in the collessium games. The group seems extreamly worried as they dont really agree with what muta might be doing, but they seem to come to the conclusion that muta going to retrieve the items and people they have lost might actually help them in the long run. Lazarus and Izen infrom the rest of the party about what their next step is to be, and with that they make their way to the church. Upon getting to the church they uncover that it is an abondoned church of bahamut, left to rot as the 4 evil dragons ruled the Island. Ferd waves them inside and behing the pulpit of the church a small hole has been made into the wall. 

The group walks down into the depths and about half way down fer tells them to go ahead and he will stay behind them. As the party makes their way down into the rock holding the city up, the temperature gets hotter and hotter. The group can feel the element of fire chrun into the stone around them, they uncover a room and on the far side of it an old chest sits in the corner, but before they are able to get to the chest the whole room is swarmed with small red dragons. The party promply gets rid of the festing dragons and uncover the loot. As they venture farther into the cave they come across sleeping demons.. They sneak attack them and kill them with no problem.


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