Session 33 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 33

The slouching dragon born hobbles away telling the party good luck on their quest to find out what to do in the new found garden. The party notices around them that a crowd is gathering, muttering to themselves, they seem to have caught the attention of the local. Everyone notices the humans there are covered in bulging spores all over their bodies. Two kobolds start bickering with each other and call out to the new comers that they are "Fresh Meat, Fresh Meat." Muta questions the two kobolds about the place that they are at and they seemed shocked at first to hear talking in draconic, and it becomes apparent that they do not know much about the outside world. They eventually explain that it is a garden of many fruits is specifically for Mother, and it is her home. After some more questioning a small kobold with what seems to be a decorated robe displaces the other kobolds and tells them to get back to work. He introduces himself as Tak.

Tak asks the party to follow him to their rooms and apologizes on behalf of the Garvard's rude entrance. As he is leading the party away wild asks Muta to see if she can grab a spore off of one of the humans, Muta agree and sneakily disperses from the party as Tak leads them away. Tak talks about how the garden used to be a elven city and explains that mother thought it was the most perfect place to have a private home away from the world, he also explains that the tree itself is the most important piece of the whole village. The village itself seems to be very disorganized when walking through it seemingly having no rime or reason. The party finally approaches the base of the large tree and Muta appears behind them with a worried look. The Party ascends the huge tree and its massive steps, while travelling up Wild notices someone interesting in one of the cells of the jail that they pass. The party finally arrives at a branch with tents hanging from above like small houses.

As they make their selves comfortable Tak tells them the intermarry of the night, after some smart comments he cancels dinner on them trying to teach them a lesson. The party gathers together after Tak leaves and discusses Mutas findings, Wild figures that the spore is not of plant origin but it is more of a virus. The rest of the discuss the plan to maybe escape and Izen looks over the land on top of the tree. Two hours pass and a Group of Kobolds appear and order the party to take their baths, the party hesitantly goes down the stairs and they arrive at sacks full of liquid to "bathe" in , it turns out the pods a filled with poison and that they use it as water. Some of the party asks for water instead of poison but Tymus Jumps right in, he comes out more shiny than ever. After the party takes their baths they are lead back up to the living quarters and Tak awaits them.

Tak Teaches them how to act Infront of Migin and also teaches the party some rough draconic speak, though it seems as Izen somewhat gets it Wild and Tymus are distracted however, Tymus tortures a kobold and wild talks to a lightning bug. Tak teaches everyone some more formalities and urges the party to use them while talking the Migin. Tak leaves and wild tells the party that they are going to investigate the girl in the cage. Wild turns into a spider a scurries away, they travel down the trunk and pass the large gaping hole in the tree, they look into it and spot a sleeping Migin and also a very familiar golden stature of Samo. They continue down the tree and into the cells of the tree. The small spider finally approaches the cage with the person and discover a small girl chained with runned magic chains. The spider approaches the girl and she seems somewhat scared and friendly. The spider scurries away and wild changes back into their self and tells the party what they saw. The party discuses the plans for the next day.

Tak wakes the party up and a large horn is sounded, the entire village gets to work and heads to the fields. Lazarus asks Tak if he can see Tak personal library and it seems like he actually agrees. The rest of the party heads down the trunk and into the village below. Lazarus talks to Tak and asks about a city filled with dragon, he happily explains that the city is named Colburn and that it has an interesting history. Tak explains that the city was made because of an alternate way to settle argument around the big four without all the carnage, he also explains that a festival is held at the end of this week because of this and that the big four are interested in an interesting Item. After some more questions Tak tells Lazarus how much he likes him and tells him to go back to his living quarter.

 Muta and Tymus go down the trunk and investigates the girl down in the cell, earlier that day they figured that the runes were enchantment runes. Muta disguises herself as a dragon blessed and acts like she is taking Tymus to jail. She orders the two kobolds guarding the cells to move aside and with some weird looks they do, Tymus sees the runes immediately and they introduce themselves to the girl. The girl introduces her self as Raniya and it seems as if she doesn't know why she is locked up, Muta gives the girl some rations and promises her that they will be back, with some poor acting the Dwarf and the Changeling leave the cells.

Izen investigates the docks of the village and quickly realizes that it is a export dock only, he investigates the area and eventually get the courage to talk to one of the dragonborn guards. The guard immediately starts barking orders at Izen and Izen realizes that he has gotten himself in a predicament. He teleports away and chaos is unleashed upon the docks as the sneaks away barley escaping the dragonborn. While this is happening alkinn maps out the surrounding area of the village to maybe plan an escape if something happens. 

Wild goes to the fields and helps some of the kobolds with farming, this gets the attention of Garvard the dragonborn. Garvard complements wild on their endeavors in farming and invites them into her house, she gifs wild some seeds and they grow them instantly, this suppresses Garvard and she gives wild a special stone and also some advise for the future. After this the party meets back at the branch, they discuss what happened that day, and Lazarus tells them where they might be headed next. After some more conversation about the girl and about the dock, Tak comes down and informs the party that they are being requested from Migin. The party makes their way up the trunk to a gazebo on the very top of the tree. A lady sits on top of the throne in the middle and tells them that they are to retrieve their son, knowing this is Migin the party agrees to retrieve the son and "get rid" of the pests.


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