Session 31 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 31

With the dragon warriors defeated the small green dragons circling in the air dive down to attack the party trying to fend them off. Though they are very small they still pack a punch with their poison breath toward them. Whistles can also be heard from the other side of the river like someone was controlling them. The party fends them off with fire, which causes the garden to catch fire. While the fire starts to spread Wild stop battling to try to save the garden with controlling water, they hear a voice in their head telling them to join the dragons efforts and they will be rewarded, but wild refuses. A chanting noise could be head coming from the top of the hill from a pavilion on the top of it.

After the dragons are defeated Muta discovers a stone that has a close resemblance of a stone blocking the path of pavilion on the top of the temple. As Muta touches the stone to the other the stone vanishes and a group of people could be seen on the top of the hill blocking the pavilion. A beam of light shoots toward the sky making a screaming noise. A voice introduces himself as Eros the Disease and tell the party to begone, but they refuse and he tells his group to attack.

Beams of light are shot down the hill as the party rushes up the hill dodging and weaving trying to avoid as many attacks as possible. Eros unleashes heavy attacks on Tymus as he approaches and the dragon blessed heal each other as the battle rages on. Eventually it seems as if Eros is defeated but like the garden he erupts into flame attacking again and again trying to defend something behind him, but with the fire form defeated he laughs and tells the party they are doomed as his final words. He falls face first on the ground.

The party catches their breath after the fierce battle and suddenly Samo appears at the entrance of the pavilion gazing inside. Alkinn and Wild look inside the building a notice a also pure gold colored plant sitting in the center of it. Samo opens the gate and says he thinks this is what he had been looking for, as he reached out Alkinn tried to stop him. He did not listen as he touched the gold plant his body turned to gold and he yells "Help" as his whole body turned to gold, frozen in place. Lazarus inspect him after this and notices that a transformation spell was taking place in the cask of Samo.

Then out of nowhere the garden grows dark after a huge shadow looms over the whole plateau. A shape of a huge dragon flys above them, knowing that they could not fight any dragon with the condition they were in the party is frozen in place. A booming voice comes from the huge creature as is circle the garden," NOT EVERY DAY DO I STUMBLE UPON A GARDEN FULL OF MOLES,". The Beast land and a green gases fills the air around them with no escape the party wait for their fate. The dragon Says, "Cower Before me I am Migen the Plague of the World." The group stand their ground, and with a gleaming eye Tymus says something and immediately cowers in fear. Migin Stares into the souls of the group and notices Alkinn stander her ground. "You are the Chosen one," Migin says with a showing of its teeth. Migin interrogates the party on the destruction of their garden and the vanishing of the golden plant. The party cannot deceive Migin, and Migin says, "You might have use for me yet." and with a moving of the giant claw on the wing the party is tangled up in thorns that feel like anacondas squeezing them. The vines are lifted up with the party alongside them, the group is lifted up and carried away by Migin.

As the party captured by Migin, they head north and in a mater of time Alkinn gets a message from the sending stone that is assigned to Sogen. Sogen asks where they were and asks if they were close. Alkinn tells him they are occupied and immediately Migin stops to ask about the conversation she was having, without being able to deceive the dragon Migin notices a large city below them, they smile and start diving toward the city, dropping the party in mid air. The party latches onto each other as the plumet toward the ground, and are saved by the wing of the dragon stopping the fall but punting them into the wall of the city. Sogen asks if they are a friend or foe and Migin Declares that the city is important to the chosen one so it is under their "Protection" now. Aurther explains to them that the city has been preparing for them but never expected them to bring this, the whole city had been transformed into a fortress and in the middle the large flask stone glowing. Migin circles the City, then release the party and tells them they had one day, and fly's away to the north. 


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