Session 3 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 3

Before the party sets out on their new mission to meet an accomplice of Dum, the party assures everyone in the town is not harmed. The grave digger is fast asleep on his chair, and Wild goes and checks on the Yolgst herbalist, a friend they had made earlier due to their shared love of plants. At first thinking she was dead on the floor, Wild rushes in panicked. Thankfully, once they're inside they discover the loud snoring, ensuring that the old woman is indeed still alive. Wild wakes the old woman and then gives her the ever-growing pot of flowers they received as their reward from Darpon. Once all is settled, the party sleeps for the night only to have visions of what's next. Lazuras gets a message from his patron, showing him the face, and only his face. In the wee hours of the morning the party packs their things and heads out for the city of Nore but not before Dum gives them a letter to his old friend Sogen. Realizing the trip would be quite long on foot the party makes the executive decision to purchase horses from Mrs Hudan.

The travel goes without trifle the first day as they ride through the Yolgst forest on a main path. This, however soon changes when the party decides to let their horses rest for the night. In the middle of setting up camp Wild senses that there is wildlife nearby, and they notice two glowing, predatory, eyes just outside of the campfire's light. A Huge towering wolf gets closer and closer to the party's only way of travel at this moment. Izen fires a warning shot and the wolf goes into a frenzy. One by one more wolves of smaller stature join the fray. With a few magic blasts here and a few sword swipes there the wolves are driven away whimpering with their tails between their legs. Afterward Alkinn, who's first couple attempts were to make friends with the beasts, seem upset that she couldn't have one of her own.

Everyone is woken up by shrike Complaining about food and whining that he is never is treated "fairly". Everyone collectively rolls their eyes as they can all tell that Shrike is just trying to get to Lazarus's kind heart. After the nagging is done the party travels another two days with no incidents. In the afternoon of the third day however, something exciting happens. The party is met with an arrow landing near their feet and others flying through the forest toward them. Down the path they hear rumbling of foot steps and above them flies a large, ferocious, creature. A Bhargast of all things, charges towards them. Not wanting to fight the thing, the party attempts to run. The beast however, hungry for food, chases. The party steps into action, easily defeats the beast but not before it's able to land a couple of heavy blows on everyone. After looking over the body a voice calls out to them, demanding they leave the Bhargast alone. The party meets two very rude bounty hunters strolling toward them, claiming their "100 gold bounty". The party does not challenge the hunters taking the creature for their own. Leaving the party with a very rude goodbye as they seem to head toward the town of Yolgst.

After another long day of travel and a night of rest after the encounter with the bounty hunters, our adventurers start up again, being one day away from Nore. On this day they encounter a company of dwarves and humans working together, chopping down trees. Wild, upset at this, askes the leader of the operation why they are doing this. The dwarf explains that this forest fuels the city of Nore's smithing factions, and it is required. The adventurers, much to Wild's chagrin, continue on. The once dense forest around them, no longer is filled with life. Half cut-down trees and patches of grass takes over the scene making Wild even more angry. The party spots the walls of the city of Nore and when arriving at the gate, the party is challenged by the guard, no group is allowed to enter unless they give a name and a reason why they are here. The party, after thinking a bit and remembering why they are here, take the name of 'The Fey Stalkers'. The guard writes down on a ledger he is holding, their name and the first official sighting of them. The city of Nore is filled with dwarves and humans alike, but after some observation The Fey Stalkers notice that the two races do not get along.

The Fey Stalkers' first mission is to find information on where Sogen is and if there were any sightings of him around the area, knowing that he might have a more than not nice reputation they go to the library instead of to the guard. Izen, oddly not wanting to participate, goes to the Ten Foot Beard as the rest of the party heads to the library. When entering the library, they find a dwarven an human woman arguing at the front desk. Once the group is able to get the two's attention they are led to the sections they were looking for. Lazuras finds a flask stone book, Muta is led to a locked room to read a book that might be able to translate the book Darpon had given her. Lazuras and Alkinn find out that the flask stone book was actually stolen, and get some information as to why everyone is so separated in this city. Apparently there is a tension between the dwarves and the humans because there are two different mining companies competing against each other, and the humans are being accused of using unworthy methods in making weapons and armor using some form of magic. Also while this happens Muta takes the chance to steal the book in the locked room. With a couple of distractions, good timing, and quite a bit of luck, Muta makes it out of the library with no-one noticing.


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