Session 22 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 22

After the well needed rest for the party, they continue traveling toward the entrance of mine. Eventually the party stumbles upon a stone door, with a pull of a lever a trap springs and the rest of the group realizes that the place they are venturing toward is going to be very dangerous. The party continues into the cave and battles their way through a trapped maze. They use the power of the sun to destroy enemies, and they meet a new character there. A Hag known as Stoney Philly greets them halfway through it and the party strikes a deal for information about the underground mine they are traveling toward. It turns out that the "mine" they are headed toward is actually the old dwarvish city before the slaughter from the fey, she also mentions someone close to the resemblance of Darpon coming down here. The party start to slowly approach the end of the cave find money and loot along the way.


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