Session 15 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 15

The party departs from the fabulous smells of the city of Stopeldo and heads toward the Town of the same. The party travels for about two days and not much seems to happen. At the end of the second day a Pigeon lands next to the parties campsite. Upon further investigation it holds a note asking for 30 silver. Muta immediately recognizes that this is the second half of the payment that Howwee the goblin is after. She decides to put the rest of the coin the the bag and the pigeon flies off toward where the party was coming from.   The next morning the party realizes that the surround area of the forest seems offly quiet. As the group walks through a revine suddenly a small figure appears on top of it yelling something. Lazarus immediately recognizes it as goblin speak and relays to the party that the figure is demanding the party to hand over all of their possessions. Naturally the party refuses and suddenly multiple other figure surround the cliffs above them. The larger figure askes once more to give them their possessions or they will meet an ill fate. Suddenly a battle erupts as spells and daggers are thrown at each other, cloaked goblin rush toward the party and attacks them. Eventually the battle is won by the party and Muta gains as special dagger, not only this but is seems like these thieves are associated with the thieves guild in the book that muta has and that the dagger she has will point to this leaders house upon command.

The rest of the day is traveling toward the Town of the Same with little incidents. The next day the party stumbles upon the town and notices other adventures leaving telling them not to go into the town because it is curse, but a little danger doesn't stop this group and they head that direction.


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