Session 14 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 14

After waking up and crossing the bridge the party start to head further toward Stopeldo, at this point the full journey of the whole trip dawns upon them realizing that they have a long way to go. The day of travel goes quite quickly as the city of stopeldo is spotted upon the horizon, large billows of smoke could be seen like a beacon in the sky. As the party approached multiple hints of different food filled the air, sweet and savory aromas soon made the journey all the more exciting. At the gates the guards seemed to let everyone in without any need for questioning, and at first glance this city seemed to be quite the tourist attraction for the country. In the middle of the city was a large volcanic pit of sorts with different platforms hanging from the three large restaurants in the middle. It also seemed like there was a large celebration inside the courts of these three restaurants.    The party decided to go their own separate ways and to explore the restaurants, the first restaurant that Tymus and Muta enter is a restaurant so savory flavors called The Lion's fang. When walking in soups and hung meats could be seen everywhere and what seemed to be a large lion in the middle table preparing food for the masses. The two go up to the lion and introduce themselves. The lion introduces himself as Tuson the great chef. The group has a good conversation with the tabazi chef and then learn out of this conversation that the tabaxi is not much from this realm but another. Tuson gives the two their food and sends them on their way with a large smile.

The others explore the other restaurant one is a sweets shop called Sweets Tooth and the other is a vegetarian shop called the earth stomach. Both of these restaurants were bustling with noise and both had some of the best food that the party had ever tasted. The group meets up at the center court and shares their food with each other and discussed the plan for the night. Suddenly a small group of people with papers in their hands go around the courtyard and take people names, upon further examination the party discovers it is a lottery for the great feast that night. Hesitantly they put the parties name in for the drawing and don't things much of it, but then seconds later a small goblin tugs on mutas sleeve. A goblin introduces himself as Howwee and says that he can help the party win that lottery that they just send out. Hesitantly Muta agrees to see the small goblins offer, and she is led to a small business in the slums of the city. The goblin further explains that with only 30 silver the lottery ticket could be hers and another 30 silver the next day. Muta hesitantly agrees and signs the contract.

Later that evening the party awint the small parade that brings the food toward the royal feast, and after following the parade the party awaits the name drawing of the day. Sure enough! the names of the Fey Stalkers is pulled and the party was gained entrance to the royal feast. Upon arriving the the feast the party sits with some very lavish looking people, but they cant help to feel they are being watched from above. Alkinn can't help but investigate the buildings. While this is all happening the party talks to some of the local nobles and they discover that a large Drage Named The Plague is trying to gain access to the dwarvish capital. After some eating and investigating that turned into nothing it seemed, the party gets some rest at the Food's Palate. The next day they take note of the interesting happenings in the city and set off to their next location, Town of The Same.


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