Session 1 in Sarnapt | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 1

This is the first Sessions wrap up.   Our adventure starts with the players entering the town of Yolgst, after MOST of them talk to the guard going into town they recognized that the town has seem some good business! All the guards have mentioned that a lot of people are passing through, but does not know the exact reason for this event. They also determine that the people who visit the town never return, they come once almost like its a tourist attraction.

  Izen is the first of our players to stumble into the sleeping mushroom, the air is filled with music and the laughing and singing of its patrons, there seemed to be quite a talented bard playing in-front of everyone. The tavern itself seemed to be enjoying the music as the mushrooms around the bard were playing with the music. The owner of the tavern seems to be very fond of the bard.   Muta was the next to enter the town and their interest was in the fire farie. A very friendly blacksmith greeted them and seemed to be working on something he called his "master piece". Also it turned out that Dum and Mrs. Hudan don't like each other much.   After the rest of our adventurers get into town they all have a stay at the Sleeping Mushroom, by this point the bard has left and all is quiet, but the more they questioned the Mayor the more mysteries they unraveled. A Lot of men in the town have just been disappearing and unnamed graves keep popping up in the town's graveyard. The next morning a huge explosion can be heard coming from the Fire Farie, all our players are startled and rush outside to see what is happening, after some investigation, it turns out this is a normal occurrence, so much so that Mrs. Hudan is quite annoyed of it. Izen Rushes over to help poor Dum in his magic use while Alkinn and Muta go investigate the happenings in the grave yard. While this is happening Wild is helping the Local florist water her "alive" plants. Alkinn and Muta discover that there has been something digging graves and placing headstones thanks to information from the grave keeper himself who hadn't slept since the graves started popping up. These headstones are not specifically named after a person, in fact they are in a different language all together.   After some investigation into the recent anomalies in town someone spotted a witch in the fields, as this is happening a new adventurer arrives and immediately our full team goes into action. The team absolutely destroys the hag and they return to town and see that the bard has returned for another night of performing. Our adventurers soon meet the bard name is Darpon. Some of the players soon realize that Darpon is more than he seems and after much argument and talking with Darpon he eventually convinces the players to do something for him, to retrieve someone for him, saying that this person stole from him.


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