Unicorn Species in Sarakt | World Anvil


The unicorn is horse-like creature with a single horn at its forehead. The horn can have different shape and length. A unicorn's body is covered by thick fur usually white, silvery or grey in colour. Sometimes there are brown, grey or black spots varying different shapes and sizes. Very rare, there are all-black unicorns. Two main sub-species can be distinguished:
  • Graceful Unicorn - They are all, fine and beautiful. Usually are spotless and are able to spark in the dark. Their horns are longer, but less durable. Their bones are more fragile than average horse and easy to fracture. This made them a bad choice for a riding animal, except for kids or young ladies. Delicate unicorns are gentle, easy to pet and friendly once their trust is earned. However, in the wild, they are shy and easily get scared. If such kind of unicorn is scared, it blindly charges away from the threat that may result in serious injuries even the death for the animal.
  • Muscular unicorn - usually called "War unicorn". They are short and bulky than the delicate sub-specie, with better developed musculature, weight more and have a lower top speed. However, they are able to maintain an average speed much more before got tired. They are with much wilder temper, hard to tame, difficult to control and command. This kind of unicorns may form deep bonds with a single person if they found it worthy. They are more intelligent than other one, but also more free-willed.
In captivity, both kinds of unicorns are extremely hard to raise and usually they don't procreate. However, if a couple or entire family delicate unicorns are captured and kept in an environment close to the natural, they have better chances to procreate in captivity. For the muscular unicorns case is different. An individual may decide to approach a person or whole settlement and allow them to take care of it. There are a very few documented cases of tamed unicorns that procrеated while were amongst humans.

Additional Information


Unicorns cannot be domesticated. All that can be achieved is taming of individuals.
Scientific Name
Equus Unicornuus
Conservation Status
Critically endangered
Geographic Distribution