Sir Belenus ap Sel Character in Saraifaria | World Anvil
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Sir Belenus ap Sel

Sir Belenus ap Sel

One of the Knights in Lady Magus Glenys ferch Maredudd of Anglegrave's retinue on her trip to Hazelhelm in 1431/5/7.   He was the knight riding the wyvern during the bride robbery that lead to his death at the hands of the The fantastic four perhaps five, sometimes maybe six...

Mental characteristics


Vassal Knight in hte service of Barron Maredudd ap Addaf of Anglegrave
1400 TD 1431 TD 31 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the The fantastic four perhaps five, sometimes maybe six... in there bid to to free a bride taken by the dark forces.


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