The Betrayer Character in Sanzeia | World Anvil

The Betrayer

Once a trickster god, fragmentary tales exist suggesting the god was once on much closer terms with the rest of the Thirteen. For his role in the Fall of the Giants that finally earned his banishment from the pantheon and his name struck from the annals of the gods.   According to Church of the Allfather doctrine, it is said this god fell to the corruption of Chaos himself and now seeks the destruction of the other gods. Although he cannot directly effect the mortal realms, the insidious corruption of the betrayer is an ever present threat. It is said at the end of time, the Betrayer will lead an army of chaos beasts and the unvirtuous dead into a final battle against the forces of order.  

The 12 curses

It is said that before he was struck forever from the annals of history, the Betrayer spoke 12 curses into being so foul they would outlast even him. Perhaps owing to a ancient beief that to even name something gives it power these 12 curses have never been fully named.  Although unnamed, the number of curses is always consistant at 12; the Curse of Undeath and the Curse of Lessening are said to be two of them.

Divine Domains

Undeath, chaos, (former) trickery

Divine Symbols & Sigils

In most cases even mentioning or depicting this god is considered an invite to misfortune.
  • Cults of this god often use a single solid black circle as a symbol, but tend to hide it within other iconography

Tenets of Faith

The cults of the Betrayer God direct their energies towards chaos and destruction their end goal seemingly to hasten the apocalypse. The betrayer is a favorite god among the most evil of necromancers. Correspondingly, they are hunted out and exterminated by the followers of the other gods whenever they are found. The Clearian Holy Order is particularly dedicated to wiping out all trace of these cults.


The Betrayer is the only one of the Thirteen not to have a dedicated month in the Dywdian Calendar. Religious traditions vary on this matter, but say either that the length of the year was changed with the banishment or that The Watcher, Unnamed - who had previously abstained from a role in the calendar - took the place of the Betrayer's month.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The destruction and unmaking of all creation. Revenge.
Divine Classification
Greater Divinity (Banished)
Current Status
Banished from reality
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