Glimmerstone Material in Sanzeia | World Anvil


Originally referred to being the blood of elementals, these multi-colored crystalline formations were prized even primitive times for their rarity and beauty. The ore, especially when pure and properly faceted, has proven a valuable spell focusing agent. Many commonly made spell focuses contain at least a shard of glimmerstone.


Material Characteristics

Glimmerstone is naturally found in crystalline formations in close proximity to other ores and usually only the deepest mines will contain any sizable amount. A notable exception is in regions where rocks containing glimmerstone are pushed to the surface and weathered by erosion, as occurs in the Dragon Shores region. In such instances the crystal forms weather into viciously sharp teeth-like blades.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Glimmerstone quite literally hums with elemental magical energies, with the largest outcroppings having this phenomenon able to be heard for felt to the touch.  This, of course, has made the mineral a natural favorite of mages since time immemorial. Sufficiently pure glimmerstone is said to be able to amplify one's magic powers several fold, and is thought to have been one of the keys to the Neatherese Civilization's dominance.

Origin & Source

Tradition indicates that glimmerstone is derived from elemental beings, and it certainly occurs more frequently in areas with chaotic elemental natures. To date all known attempts to use summoned elementals to create glimmerstone have ended very poorly.

History & Usage


While all glimmerstone poses magical properties, these properties are enhanced by purity, polishing, and faceting of gems made of the material.  Such gems are usually made to be added to a wide variety of items for those that can afford them such a focuses, weapons, armor, and jewelry. Powdered glimmerstone is often used in magical inks.


Glimmerstone of low purity will have many dark or dull imperfections, this waste material while possessing some of the same amplifying power of pure stone, is often highly toxic.  Pure glimmerstone, while not a danger in itself, has been known to react unintentionally to nearby magic resulting in explosions and fires; magic is generally discouraged anywhere close to a glimmerstone processing facility.


Trade & Market

Owing to the precise requirements of the manufacturing process, and the ore only occurring in the most difficult to harvest locations, the harvesting of raw glimmerstone is rarely seen as a viable economic activity, and thus is an industry funded by mages, for mages, although it should be noted that as the harvesting of the material is unpredictable at best when magic is involved, glimmerstone workers are generally laypeople.
by TerrGN33u
Multiple vibrant colors
Common State
Crystalline stone
Related Locations


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