Sanguera Into the Doomvault (Se03Ep01)

Into the Doomvault (Se03Ep01)

Military action

39/4 800:00
39/4 1050:00

While doing Auntie Fleta's dirty work, the party learned some information. The nation of Kaspin may not know the truth about the Doorkickers involvement in the flooding of Kaspin . New Kaspin is under contention by the Red Hag , the noble houses, and the local gangs. Burgermaster Ral Glulav, while not the most passionate or honest, seemed genuinely concerned about the murderous Redcap that had invaded his town. With the witches tasks behind them, the group stays another night in the The Timid Pony Inn awaiting the sunrise an their trek Into the Doomvault.

Related Location
The Doomvault
Related timelines & articles
Flooding of Sanguera