Se04Ep15 - There's no business like snow business Report in Sanguera | World Anvil

Se04Ep15 - There's no business like snow business

General Summary

Out of the frying pan and into the freezer, the players make their way from dealing with fiends to helping out some snow elves.



What are your character’s core moral beliefs?

Rodger's core moral beliefs haven’t changed much since he became an adventurer. Chains are meant to be broken. Everyone deserves to live free and unbothered. All property is theft.   Ark Greyhaven believes that family is everything. It was distilled in him from a young age that he would always matter to them, and in return he should try to hold a place for them in his heart. It's why he never much retaliated when Kerrik, his younger brother, got into the habit of bashing him with a shield. It's also why he feels responsible to correct his family's mistakes, even if they don't see them as such. As he grew up however, he was tested many times with their strictness of family traditions, and he grew the notion that one needs to reach for what makes themselves happy at all times, whether it's long term or in the moment.   No one will ever be able to tell if Lostin's lack of morality is nature or nurture, but what moral does he even have. His moral compass seems to have one barring and that is loyalty. Not blind loyalty, but friendship. He wants to be good and understands that his actions don't reflect it but at least he WANTS it.   Miles believes that was put on this world to help people and smash heads. He sticks to this ideal pretty stiffly   Seom Rando's core moral beliefs lie somewhere to the neutral side of whatever he's currently being paid to do. For instance, if the job is to deliver the local feudal lord his tax money, he'll get those taxes, but has been known to look the other way from time to time, for the sake of keeping the peace or giving someone a second chance. If the job is to kill the lord and return the taxes to the people, he's more likely to abscond the lord in the night and exile him to a far away land, then happily pass back the proceeds. This middle ground allows him to play both ends of the alignment table against each other, a trick he's perfected in much of his activities.   Sambra's core moral beliefs are to live and let live, unless your a demon or undead, in which case you probably need to die sooner than later. Generally speaking, he follows the golden rule, and abides by the rule of law, unless that law was created by tyrants. He'll always help a friend in need and won't standby to let those less fortunate suffer at the hands of evildoers.


The group travels east with the snow elves stopping in the hamlet of Whorle before setting out to secure the land. They find a small fishing camp of nomads and a ruin from far in the past. After chatting with the fishers of the camp, the group explore the ruins. Huge, seamless long walls and floor of marble house emptiness under the snow. A tunnel is found with warm air rising from it. Investigating further, the group spies a flash of white down a tunnel across the steaming hot spring deep within the tunnel. Bait is set, a trap is sprung, capturing three lizardfolk. The lizardfolk agree to talk and are given the magical stew pot to leave the snow elves excavation be, and 8 brazen amulets to help with the patrols. Git also wanted to start trading with the nearby town of Whorle.   Trying to diffuse a heated situation The Doorkickers talk down Reeve who is bitter over past crimes committed by the lizardfolk, grave robbing and cannibalism. As the group settles the dispute, King Elliot burts through the door. Eying the lizardfolk he draws his sword and charges, only to be tripped by Lostin. The whole tavern erupts into laughter, a first sign of peace between these two peoples.   Talking with Elliot, the gang learns of another ruin and the lair of a white dragon, that Elliot has been keeping an eye on.

Settling a hex

Securing land
Finding lairs requires hourly survival checks and DC based on speed of survey. One check per half hour of searching by air. A hex is secured when all lairs have been found.
Keeping land secured
Patrol can maintain the security of the land. No less than three patrols must be set up (hired or trained) for 8 hour patrols. This allows one patrol to be out at all times with no days off.

Rewards Granted

Unit of lizardfolk to patrol the Northern Plains.

Missions/Quests Completed


  • 2.5 million gold to hire a battalion
  • Costs for bypassing one task on the list (brute force) 200,000gp plus d100*100.
  • Activities take max 20 plus d30 days, but may be shortened by creativity or planing.
  • equal amount = 50% death, each battalion above that (8) is 10% added to the total


  1. Per-Bastet - One company of infantry
  2. Kong and his monkeies - One company of infantry
  3. Sog'thannok made a deal with the party for one company of infantry or cavalry. The party agreed to supply Sog'thannok and his friends with rides, paid for and supervised if to the Prime.
  4. Lady in Blue - will join them on the battlefield
  5. Dave and Agatha traded one company of undead infantry for the Talisman of Ultimate Evil
  6. Mammon want high level souls, two per battalion of cavalry or armor


  • Snow elves - Need help with problems in the iron mines, rust monsters
      1. King Eliot and his castle
      2. White Dragon Lair
      3. Ruins
      1. Immense mountain top; the rising prisim
      1. Alderwych
      1. Whorle
      2. Camp Azure
      3. Ruin
      1. Queen Chandrelle Aecaryn's tomb

Next up

  • Coup Cullin' Prevent Arena battle

Still Available

(Pteri's insights in italics)
  • kaspin refugees A religious leader, Az'galan, is being held by the dwarves in Anvil Iron for association with Asher Hallow-Blossom
  • Planar ship A noble, Viscount Hildebrandus, has taken the ship's armaments and is keeping them in Per-Bastet's hold
  • Spiral and dad Mira is the contact they used last time, Spiral is not in Sigil anymore.
  • Helia Durage. Lostin meet her in the Clerk’s District of Sigil Protect Fort from infiltration.
  • Pah'Zel, the fugitive Githyanki treasure hunter Lead or coordinate Furtive, stealthy raid
  • Rhadar and Oran
  • Kassa the Stunning
  • Baba Yaga
  • Krang
Fall 79, 79 of the 6th
Report Date
01 Jun 2021


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