Se02Ep04 pt 1 - Fire on the Cliffs Report in Sanguera | World Anvil

Se02Ep04 pt 1 - Fire on the Cliffs

General Summary

So, you have a 5 day journey by airship. During that time, Glassstaff is searching his bag of holding for more liquor by dumping its contents on the floor. Among the empty bottles and other trash there are 3 short rest potions for each of you, 6 superior healing potion, a staff of the magi, and 6 scrolls, what are they?
So, you have a 5 day journey by airship. During that time, glassstaff is searching his bag of holding for more liquor by dumping its contents on the floor. Among the empty bottles and other trash there are 3 short rest potions for each of you, 6 superior healing potion, a staff of the magi, and 6 scrolls, what are they? Sup all? I know Rich sorta made a thread for this already, but I'm making another "What should we do this week?" thread just in case there's anything else you think we should discuss before game time.
I don't know what kind of equipment we'll have access to in the air and I don't know where Rich will start us off in game, but if we have a chance to do some shopping, then that might be a good idea.
Also, remember that the devil allowed us to ask a few more questions in regards to locations of objects in the world. Anything anyone want to pick up while we're able to travel great distances?
My last suggestion is that this may be the last time we get to play as the Neverwinter characters. If any character wants/needs to interact with another for any reason before we take on the final fight, then I think there's probably some time to do so. Speaking from Rava's perspective, he's got something to admit to one of you...
Anything else you want to do? Feel free to comment! Doorkickers... Assemble! Or... Something...
Rodger Devito
This is also a great spot to talk tactics. Our characters don’t know the terrain of the dungeon or what allies the false king will have, but there are certain assumptions we can make. For instance, as a Sharpshooter rogue, my character Rodger can hit anything from almost anywhere. If a spellcaster could share flight or spiderclimb, that would be optimal for guaranteeing that sweet sweet damage every turn.
Alex Gentile
I've got a decent AC, but I'm kind of limited when it comes to range being an open-hand monk. I'll be front line-ish, and would appreciate some cover fire!
Richard Fraser
What's your range Rodger Devito ? That way I can figure out how to place you. Rodger Devito
I have a maximum range of 320 feet
Richard Fraser Rodger Devito disadvantage?
Sharpshooter allows me to ignore all partial cover and range disadvantage
Richard Fraser
Ok, thanks.
Lucielle Marie Belle
From a tactics standpoint, if I'm coming into this, I have a character that can soak the damage from a squishy and be at range, but also I am a horse rider and heavily want to be in the face of combat and CAN take damage for someone as long as they are in the paladin aura.
Christopher Merrill
I can't think of any mundane things Loston would need since I doubt we can shop for more than mundane things since magical items are downtime activities.
Loston would like to see if the Tortle, Frankin, would be willing to travel. Feeding Boots would make Lost go broke in months so baring the ability to add Goodberry to my spell list or finding a wand/staff/ring (ear, finger nose, belly button, etc, etc.)/belt/bracelets/whatever, Loston is going to need to hire Senior Franky an attendant to Boots and Goodberry dispensary. It also doesn't hurt he can heal. We will need that when someone is eventually stepped on while Loston is playing fetch with Boots.
Where do I even start?
It feels like it’s been months. Snarl‘s still gone. We waited until sunrise for him to come back, but after the dust storm from last night settled, only Maha returned, carrying his gear. I didn’t ask what happened to him. Feelings and sharing ain’t really my strong suit.
Picked up a merc on the way out of Per-Bastet. Some kinda fancy magic elf from somewhere I’ve never heard of. Claimed she could take a punch on the front lines though. Fine by me. One more body between me and the rest of the world. Finally got our hands on Glass Staff’s namesake. He’s gonna get drunk on the ship so we can use it. Doesn’t feel like the triumphant lootgrab we were hoping for.
We had a five day trek from the city in the south to the Lich King’s mountain. Even with a flying ship, that’s more time alone with my thoughts than I can stand. Especially with so much at stake. The whole time I’ve been adventuring with these mooks, it feels like we’ve just been playing catch-up; trying to stay ahead of our own mistakes. Giving the spellbook to the Lich. Giving Blackrazor to the devil. Letting those hags live. Letting them kill our friends…
I never claimed to be any kind of hero. But it would be nice to feel like one for once. I’m hoping once we save the whole world, that’ll be the start of a sea change for us. And not a last hurrah.

Holy shit, journal. I’m writing this as a free action, inbetween hauling myself up this godforsaken hill and taking potshots at whatever gets too close. The fighting’s died down, at least in my immediate vicinity. Which is just how I like it. It’s about the only thing to like here.
Of all the shitshows I’ve starred in, this is the shittiest. King Asher was holed up in a five tier cliff surrounded by concealing fog and hindering mud. A bane for me and a curse for Losten. We were greeted by a shit-ton-dozen of undead swamp ghoulies. Oh yeah, and Ark’s mom and dad. They were super dead. But still talking. Not great for him.
With the help of Losten’s new showpony Boots (read: giant dinosaur) and the earth elemental Maha summoned, we made quick work of the welcome wagon. Ark seemed pretty distraught that king Asher had gotten to his folks before they could be rescued. Kerrick was his usual stoic self. No telling how long he’ll be able to bottle that up.
Didn’t help that they had to watch Mom and Dad get torn to bits by a giant dinosaur. We got both heads though. So he can rez em later. Or speak with em once every few weeks until they’re willing to be rezzed. I think I know a cleric or two who could help with that part, at least. Or a ventriloquist who could do the job for half the price.
In addition to the horde of undead, we had to contend with two big ballistae above us when we touched down. Thankfully, Thing (Maha’s earth elemental) moved right through the cliff like it was water and flattened both of em. Or at least the mooks working em. I can’t wait to fire those things.
However, once the rest of the party got up there to level 2 (not me. Still hauling my ass up the hill and writing all this down here) honest to god NINJAS popped out of nowhere to attack. Thankfully? They were zombie ninjas, (god that’s a weird thing to be thankful for) and went down like popcorn as Rava and the new Paladin tore through em with their holy smites.
There was also another Lich up top, but I made short work of her in two shots. She tried to drop two of walls of fire on me but I’m just too quick for my own good.
When I make it up there, I’ve gotta ask Whelm if they’re gonna help at all here. Gotta figure that if this mission fails: not only does a Lich take possession of the hammer, but the world floods. Dwarves live underground, and water flows downhill. Whelm’s precious clan are prolly gonna be the first to go. Even if he’s so stuck up that none of us can wield him, I have it on good authority from Losten that he can wield himself just fine. Up and at em old son. There’s skulls to crack.
Yikes. Ark doesn’t look so good. He’s looking more like his decomposing parents by the second. Some kinda curse? Whatever. I’ll holler at em over Maha’s magic airwaves to polymorph into something that ain’t rotting away. Or to hide in my bag of holding.
Okay, where was I. Sorry. Had to take a second to compose myself. Because I just heard a dragon roar up there. And I can smell acid. Smells like my heartburn. Soon as I’m done writing this, I’ve got just the pill to settle it. Permanently. It’s a magic crossbow bolt marinating in some purple wurm venom that I’ve been saving for just such an occasion. The very same one I never got to fire at the Rakshasa everyone was so scared of. Honestly didn’t think I’d get to use it. Everything here being undead and all.
This dragon’s gonna be sorry he’s still breathing. Though not for much longer.
Report Date
07 Mar 2021


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