The Pope of Nazteth Myth in Sand & Scale | World Anvil

The Pope of Nazteth

That light? That's his light, the pope's. He's still in Nazteth, bit it's a hive now and he acts like a queen of sorts - kind of like ants or bees, just more likely to kill you. He's the one that operates the whole show, sends all the bishops out to feed when the suns are at their hightest. If you see their light, you better know it's not random. They're near because that's where he wants them.
Only a fool believes those things are feral. They have a purpose. His purpose, to shine their cursed light and make more of them since they can't do it the old fashioned way anymore.
They say if you kill him, the bishops will all die. Every one of them in a matter of moments and that's why even a Nec isn't supdin't enough to get close to that place. Doesn't matter how what you are, if you see the pope you'll go mad as fast as you go blind. You'll wish you were dead by the time they gets done with you.
Some people also say that he's biding his time, building his forces until he's ready. Then we'll see how many of those things there really are and the pope's visage will curse us all.

Historical Basis

While everyone knows there's a bright light where Nazteth used to stand the bishop populations keeps anyone from venturing too close. While the mythological pope has become widely accepted as the source there is no evidence to support that the light is produced by anything other than the bishops themselves.

Variations & Mutation

Some versions of the story claim that the pope has not yet arrived and the bishops are, in fact, preparing for his arrival and their deliverance from pain. Once the pope has completed his communion with their god, he will return and not only bring an end to the bishop's suffering, but that of humnity as a whole and create a new era for humankind.


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