Dusk Ring Item in Sand & Scale | World Anvil

Dusk Ring

I may not like them much, but at least I know when there's a black ring on the finger of one of my partons there won't be trouble in this town. That's why she eats free and will every time she steps foot through my doors.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

While there have been many theories discussed over the years, very little is understood about the rings. This includes, of course, the spontaneous generation of a second when a necromancer's pupil is deemed worthy to wear a ring of their own and access the dark power.


There are many stories claim to know the origin of the rings that bestow power on the necromancers. However, even the necromancers are unsure what caused the rings to form and present themselves.
What is known is that the rings and the unlucky people who wore them were quickly and thorougly condemned by the Bishops of Light - Necromancers aligned with the dead and worked their will upon them, surely this was the very definition of evil.
In the end it was the Bishops that did the killing and the Necromancers that saved lives, still save lives. Despite their efforts to eradicate the bishops and protect innocents, the clergy's old words still hang heavily in the minds of the people and people still shy away when they see a black ring on a stranger's hand though they are no longer chased out of town.


Regardless of humanity's feelings about Necromancers it is widely accepted that without them the bishops would have eradicated humans decades ago. Thus the rings are looked upon with a mix of deep respect and fear.
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
The Black rings are extremly rare, appearing only when a pupil is deemed worthy and their master's ring produces a duplicate. Upon death, a necromancer's ring immediatley turns to dust.
Raw materials & Components
Despite generations of study the metal that composes the rings has not been identified nor has a natural source been found.


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