Bishops Species in Sand & Scale | World Anvil


They wanted to touch the face of a god, turned out the real power was inside us the whole time. There was no god and when they tried to find one they turned themselves into monsters. Took out entire cities before the Necs showed up. I'm still not sure which one is the greater evil, but at least the Necs don't try to eat us.

Basic Information


While their basic shape has remained humanoid bishops are known for their thick gray exoskeleton, the numorous bioluminescent lures that grow from their heads, and large glowing spines protruding along their backbones and arms. The bright light eminating from both the lures and spines make it nearly impossible to look at a living bishop.
While their faces remain vaguely human, their mouths are capable of hyperextending and a split mandible that allows them to consume their prey quickly.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

While most bishops operate on instinct, driven by hunger, there are some who have maintained a level of their former intelligence. These are perhaps the most dangerous as their hunger is not diminished.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

While bishops seem to have forgotton the common languages many believe that they do still speak to one another though the language is unintelligible to human ears.


Following a failed ritual performed by the Bishops of Light, their bodies began to change in horrifying ways at the same time as the illustrous Bishops began to lose their minds. Originally the infection remained within the order of Bishops, however, over time many people exposed to their cursed light began to show the same symptoms. As the infection spread the bishops were ostracized and fled to the wilds.
Since that time bishops began to congregate in small packs to hunt for prey and increase their chances of survival when attacking villages and towns. Solitary bishops still should not be underestimated and elders have been known to slaughter entire settlements on their own.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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