Emile Fareman Character in Sanctuary | World Anvil
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Emile Fareman

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Emile is very sensitive of his last name, in that if you say it in an angry tone, he doesn't care who you are and will lash out at you. This is due to it being the only thing of his mothers that he has left, and thinks it should be treated with care and respect. Other backstory stuff doesn't have a specific framework, but he was essentially a slave for most of his life prior to Siggyn's employment.


Worked as a servant under Siggyn

Mental Trauma

Emile is haunted by memories of a dark space where he was confined with other children under the slavers control. It was here he witnessed horrors beyond what anything someone his age should have ever seen.

Personality Characteristics


Spreading Chaos and the Swarm.   Find the true meaning behind chaos and then perverting it.
Year of Death
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Cassius Grey after attempting to spread a plague and corruption across the world.

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