Tools, Trade Goods, and Crafting Materials in Sanctuary - The City Below | World Anvil

Tools, Trade Goods, and Crafting Materials

Life underground is different from that above. Different skill sets become necessary to survive and explore. These tools are unique to this setting and present specific rules for their use. Materials specific to the setting are detailed below.  



The Unders

Underminer’s Pick

Artisan Tool


This tool can be added to a set of Mason’s Tools or used independently.

This pick is weighted just right to help you swing it again and again. The steel has been forged with Monstrous Chitin, required to make it hard enough to dig through stone without losing it’s edge. This tool will allow anyone to attempt to mine, but those with Mason’s Tools proficiency may add their proficiency bonus to these checks.

Attempt DC
Mine through 5ft of rock (2 hours)* 14 (Str)
Mine from a Surface Vein (2 hours)* 15 (Str)
Mine from a Deep Vein (2 hours)* 17 (Str)
Determine Vein Quality (1 minute) 13 (Int)
Discover a Gemstone Pocket 23 (Wis)
Discover an Infused Magic Pocket 27 (Cha)

*Gain one level of Exhaustion from mining. It is backbreaking work. But these checks can be made without requiring proficiency.

Surface veins are places where the mineral of interest is visible in the stone, the glint and glimmer of the ore or mineral can be seen by the naked eye. Surface veins can be spotted with a DC 16 Perception check.

Deep veins are places where the mineral is not visible, the vein does not actually touch the surface of the rock. But to a trained eye there are signs. Particular ways the geology reveals its secrets and lets you know that a deep vein, previously undiscovered, is between 5 and 30 feet into the stone. These can only be detected by magical means or a Mason’s Tools check with Intelligence, DC 18.

Cost: 25 gp
Weight: 10 lbs


Buck’s Leather House

Buck’s Leather Knife

Artisan Tool


Crafted from chitinous steel this small blade is the perfect implement for skinning beasts, aberrations, monstrosities, and dragons. Buck has had these crafted exactly to his specifications. After decades of leather working he’s designed the ideal knife to replace the one in a standard set of leatherworking tools.

Anyone with this knife can attempt to collect skins, but it is not a complete set of leatherworker’s tools, only allowing for the collection of skins to later be delivered to Buck. Any skins collecting using this knife will be worth more to Buck, rather than paying in gold he will pay in Luminous Sapphire Marks based on the size and affect of the skin.

Size Payout
Small 1 Mark
Medium 2 Marks
Large 4 Marks
Huge 10 Marks
Gargantuan 20 Marks

This knife is specially made so that it will help preserve the qualities the creature had in life. Some of these may be able to brought out in the leather when it is tanned and prepared. Creatures with these properties that are skinned with one of Buck’s knives are worth more to him.

Creature Property Additional Compensation
Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning resistance +2 Marks
Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder, or Acid resistance +3 Marks
Radiant or Necrotic resistance +4 Marks
Force resistance +5 Marks
Natural AC 16 or higher (not counting Dex) +2 Marks
Natural AC 20 or higher (not counting Dex) +4 Marks

Cost: 10 gp


Unders Ecological Institute

Spelunker's Sextant


Uncommon Divination

This set of instruments is used for navigation in the underground. Proficiency with a Spelunker's Sextant (a specialized form of Navigator’s Tools) lets you chart a ship's course and follow navigation charts. In addition, these tools allow you to add your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make to avoid getting lost underground.
Proficiency with a Spelunker's Sextant helps you determine a true course based on observing the gravity, magnetic north, and the signal ping from a magical beacon located at the Unders Ecological Institute. It also grants you insight into charts and maps while developing your sense of direction.

Components. Spelunker's tools include a sextant, a compass, a tiny silver bell, calipers, a ruler, parchment, ink, and a quill.
Survival. Knowledge of a Spelunker's Sextant helps you avoid becoming lost and also grants you insight into the most likely location for crossroads and settlements.
Sighting. By taking careful measurements, you can determine your position on a navigational spelunking chart.

Spelunker’s Sextant

Plot a spelunking course DC 13

Discover your position on a cavern chart DC 15

Condition Modifier
Distance from nearest known beacon <2 miles No Modifier
Distance from nearest known beacon 2-10 miles +2 to DC
Distance from nearest known beacon 10-50 miles +5 to DC
Distance from nearest known beacon 50-100 miles +10 to DC
Gravitational Weather: Weighty Squall +5 to DC
Gravitational Weather: Pressure Miasma +10 to DC
Irregular Ambient Mana +5 to DC
Nearby Mana Cave +5 to DC

Note that if more than 100 miles from a known beacon these tools cannot be used.

Cost: 15 Marks
Weight: 1 lb


Tatters the Ratter

Inker's Needle

Artisan Tool


This tool is used for creating tattoos. Proficiency allows you to utilize the tool safely and ink the skin of most creatures. However, making designs or unique art will also require the use of Painter's, Calligrapher's or Cartographer's tools to draft up a sketch. Next someone proficient with an Inker's Needle can turn the design into a tattoo.

Tattoo Size Base Cost Base Time
1" diameter 10gp 30 minutes
6" diameter 50gp 4 hours
12" diameter 300gp 3 sessions of 8 hours each

These costs and time are minimums. It is possible to spend more for higher quality materials, or allow the artist additional passes to improve the quality. Exceptional inks can be used to cover the material cost, some will even have additional properties.

The base DC for giving a tattoo the natural AC of a creature +4. Modified by the pain tolerance of the recipient. Subtract the Constitution modifier of the recipient from the DC. A negative Con mod will result in a higher DC.

Some creatures have particularly pigment absorbing skin, it grants advantage on any attempt to tattoo them. Cave Lotls, Fruggefolk, and other amphibians usually fall into this category.

Cost: 23gp


Artisan Materials

Various materials in the world can be used for the purposes of crafting. These are exceptional materials unique to the setting which may be used with artisan tools to make improved mundane items.   

Elemental Sugar

Trade Good


History doesn’t recall this being available prior to the Convergence. Since that time places once attuned to the plane of Earth have grown rimes of glistening white. Easily overlooked, most assume it to be salt. Closer inspection will reveal its saccharine nature. Elemental sugar can be collected by delicately using Mason’s Tools (Dex) - DC 15. Success yields one cup of Elemental Sugar. A given source has 1d4 cups worth of sugar available.   An excellent ingredient in many sorts of foods. When used as a component in a meal, it can have an additional effect. Foods made with Elemental Sugar and a DC 21 Cook’s Utensils (Str) do not need to be preserved, they never go bad. Additionally, consuming something cooked with Elemental Sugar grants you a connection to the ground, you have advantage on Athletics and Acrobatics checks to climb or stay affixed to stone. This functions for one hour after having the last bite of the meal.

Cost: 100gp per cup

Concussive Curatives Brew-Crabbery

Forgotten Inlet Seasoning

Trade Good


Forgotten Inlet is a collection of salts and spices that is traditionally used to season crabs, but in truth it goes on everything. After consuming a meal prepared with Forgotten Inlet you may add a bonus 1d4 to your next Intimidation check made within the next four hours.

Cost: 20gp

Luminous Sapphire Pigment

Trade Good


This pigment can be used by Weavers, Leatherworks, Painters, Calligraphers, and Tattoo Artists to imbue their works with special properties.

Luminous Sapphire Marks have the incredible property that they glow. When they are broken down into fine dust by using a mortar and pestle strong enough to crush them the dust can be distilled into pigment. The process of breaking down the sapphires requires someone with Jewelcrafting proficiency working for one hour per luminous mark to grind them into exceptionally fine dust. Calligraphers and Tattoo Artists can use it to produce ink. Weavers and Leatherworkers can use it to create dye. Painters can create paint.

The value of this pigment can be used towards the cost of appropriate crafting projects, including those of magical nature. The value of the dust is equal to the value of the luminous sapphire marks used to create it. The glow of the ink or dye will fade over time and 30 days it will lose its luminous property. But expert craftsmanship can make the glow permanent with a DC 21 check using the relevant tool with intelligence.

Monstrous Chitin

Trade Good


This material can be harvested from many exoskeleton having creatures. These are the shell plates of Deepbeetles and the ironclad segments of great horrible isopods. It makes suitable material for crafting of light and medium armors in place of metal. Armors crafted with Monstrous Chitin plates weigh half normal and are suitable for druidic use. It can also be broken down into dust and used as flux in crafting metal weapons. This creates a darker blade, but of higher flexibility and strength. Just the kind of thing that is appropriate for holding enchantments. Attacks with such weapons are considered Chitinous.

Cost: 10 gp per pound

Raw Fungalite

Trade Good


The very lifeblood of Sanctuary, collection and refining of Raw Fungalite is what fuels the glow of the Sundelier overhead. It occurs only in places of old, long-dead fungal growth, mined from fossilized veins that run deep through the earth. Light grey stone, speckled with embers of glimmering blue. Thirty pounds of Raw Fungalite make for a Lume: enough refined fuel to light the Sundelier for 1 hour. This unrefined material may still have its uses, for those creative enough to find them.

Refined Fungalite

Trade Good


A phosphorescent purple liquid, thick like blood, which faintly smells of ozone. The methods for refining Fungalite into fuel are a closely-guarded secret, known to few outside the House of Lights. It burns bright, hot, and long, but without even the smallest trace of smoke. For those who can afford it, this miraculous fuel can be used in all manner of things. But when used in a lantern, Refined Fungalite allows a lamp to burn twice as brightly. Additionally, a Fungalite flame is not snuffed by water.

    Adventuring Equipment  

Fungalite Lantern

Adventuring Gear


Fueled by Refined Fungalite, this Hooded Lantern sheds light twice as far as with traditional fuel sources. Bright light for 60ft, and Dim light for 60 feet beyond. Additionally a fungalite flame is not snuffed out by water. Once lit, it burns for one hour per "Minute" of refined fungalite. The lantern can hold up to six "Minutes" of fuel. As an action you can lower the hood, reducing the light to dim light in a 10-foot radius.

Cost: 15gp
Weight: 2 lbs.