The Red Panda Character in San Diablo | World Anvil

The Red Panda

Lily Collins

The Red Panda is a young adult female cat burglar, known for her impeccable skills when it comes to breaking into highly secure locations. What sets her apart from other cat burglars is her agile acrobatics and remarkable ability to scale buildings effortlessly.   The Red Panda moves with graceful dexterity, her movements as swift and silent as a shadow. She is notorious for leaving a small red panda-shaped calling card at the scene of every successful heist, a symbol of her audacity and elusiveness.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lily was a scrappy and mischievous child, always getting into trouble and causing mischief in her small town. Despite her wild nature, she had a good heart and a natural curiosity for adventure. She was also incredibly agile and quick on her feet, which came in handy when she would sneak out at night to explore the city.   Lily's goal in life was to escape the mundane and ordinary life she had in her small town. She dreamed of a life filled with excitement and danger, just like the stories she read about in books. When she turned 18, she saw the opportunity to fulfill her dreams, and escaped to San Diablo to become a master thief. She was determined to prove herself, as The Red Panda.   The Red Panda was tasked with a daring heist to steal a valuable artifact that is rumored to be hidden in a vault deep within the LeBlanc Museum. She was drawn to this mission because of the challenge it presents and the thrill of outwitting security systems. However, when the heist was over, she was attacked by a group of men looking to steal the item for themselves. Close to death, she was saved by The Silver Foxx, and became her protégé.   The Silver Foxx took Lily under her wing and trained her in the art of thievery. She taught her how to pick locks, scale buildings, and move swiftly and silently. Lily was a natural and quickly became her partner in crime. Together, they pulled off some of the most daring heists the city had ever seen, earning them both a reputation as legendary thieves.   Lily and The Silver Foxx had a unique relationship. It started with Foxx teaching her valuable skills and always looking out for her. However, their relationship was also built on a competitive edge, as Lily was always trying to outdo her mentor and prove her worth to her. They also had a strong bond of trust and loyalty, as they relied on each other to pull off their heists successfully. Eventually this relationship turned to love.


Lily is a lesbian, and in a relationship with The Silver Foxx.
Emerald Green
Short cut fiery red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white


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