The Duobeast of Ecinjna Forrest Myth in Saltora | World Anvil

The Duobeast of Ecinjna Forrest

In Art

Children's nursery rhyme   "Sabinus was a great man, he fed the poor, helped the sick, fought great beasts and held great feasts! Do you want to know what the biggest monster he fought was? He once saw a giant two-headed cannibal into the dark spooky forests of Shenzhou! This terrible cannibal was a complete monstrosity feared by many and all, But Sabinus stood tall! It looked at him, big and strong, and let out a growl that came out all wrong! Instead of a rawr, a growl or stare, the beast could only let out a hiccup from yesteryear. Angered by its embarrassment the creature opened it's jaw wide, With Sabinus staring deep inside! With a loud wham, the monster was shook. Sabinus slapped it right as if it was a rook! Angered and pained, the monster wept, it's other face now leapt! Then suddenly, another loud wham echoed in the forest as the beast was slapped not once, but twice! Sabinus looked up at the beast and said: "Will that suffice?!" In pain and despair, the monster ran out of there! It’s said that people that enter the Forrest can still hear the monster prowling around weeping after having been embarrassed so!"   "It’s said that people that enter the Forrest can still hear the monster prowling around weeping after having been embarrassed so!"
Original story by me. Rhyme by Hiddoka