Kayluae Geographic Location in Salira | World Anvil
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Kayluae is a rather small continent, but what it lacks in size it makes up for in a massive trading hub that spans across Sa’Lira. Kayluae is an ancient tribal word that roughly translates to “Tearful Whale” as the continent itself looks like a crying whale when drawn on a map. Kayluae is famous for it’s three massive port cities, known as the League of Masharik. The League is a collection of City-States each specializing in their own trade. To the Northeast, over the Dry’ven Mountain range, lies another City state, a smaller and humbler city called Jarish. Jarish mostly keeps to themselves, preferring not to mingle with those of the League. Their closest ally is south, across the Ostyn River, the final city state of Kayluae, Kedmin.
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