Three Circles Technology / Science in Salan | World Anvil
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Three Circles

The Three Circles, Werzy teqmaw, is an influential Zeribian philosophical school of thought.  


The Three Circles teaches that the mental power and divine favour is gained by limiting the contact between pure and impure forces. All entities are classified into two times three "circles". The entities are either items, people or actions, each of which can be pure, neutral or impure.   Each pure or impure entity will reach it's maximum natural power, if it does not mix with entities of it's polar opposite. Thus, for example, noble people reach their potential the best if they avoid the contact with impure commoners, and on the other hand, it is best for the commoners own good to avoid nobles and pure ritual objects.  


The Three Circles is focused on avoidance and ascetism. Manypious followers live solitary life, focusing on seeking the contact with the divine and ways of improving personal strenght.

The mainstream following of the Circles is less ascetic, allowing for the close family bonds deemed important in the Zeribian culture.  


The philosophy of the Three Circles is one of the foundations of the Zeribian consept of the ritual purity, which seeks to limit the contact between pure and impure entities.


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