Pulse Riding and Ley Lines Technology / Science in Sagadorm | World Anvil

Pulse Riding and Ley Lines


The discovery of ley lines that crossed the surface of saga dorm led to the exploration of how these ley lines could be used for the benefit of Trilenius and other cultures.

The power of the ley lines emanated from Motuahi and spread across the network and then ended in Trilenius. These ley lines had their own source of power that could be harnessed in cores as cores recharged much more rapidly on those ley lines, in the same manner they would charge quickly when exposed to the moons of sagadorm.

Discovery Sailing Vessels

The Trilenius government commissioned sailors and explorers to map out the ley lines that crisscrossed over Sagadorm. These first sailing vessels were sent out in pairs and would travel parallel to each other with sensitive equipment that would allow them to detect the edge of a ley line. They would then plot the power of the ley line and notice any changes. Their attempts were to say ill as straight as possible because it was hypothesized and then confirmed that ley lines are straight and follow a predictable pattern.

The discovery sailing vessels did not benefit from the power that was manifested by the ley lines. They were to only track them. The following are some of the discoveries that were initially made by the discovery sailing vessels.

  • Ley lines are straight however they have varying thicknesses. The thicker the ley line the more powerful it is and exudes more power.
  • There are many nexus says across the world. I nexus is where to or more ley lines intersect. Most nexus is are a simple intersection. There are however rare examples where three lines overlap or where branches meet up or break off.
  • Ley lines can branch out. A single ley line, especially those of high thickness may have an offshoot that travels off at an angle to eventually reconnect with other ley lines.
  • Ley lines run through the surface of the earth. It was not discovered until much later that there are ley lines that go through the sky as well. Ley lines that flow through the ocean floor are farther away from the surface and thus more difficult to detect or to tap into.
  • The ley lines that are in the ground and in the air do not necessarily go on top of each other. As Motuahi is the expulsion point, the ley lines go off in random angles. There is a ring of islands that surrounded the main volcano of Motuahi. This ring islands are gigantic metallic mountains that are almost pillars. These giant pillars are what split the lines from each other.
  • Within the circle of these mountains, the power of the ley lines are ubiquitous. Meaning that everything is under the influence of the ley lined powers.
  • The mountainous pillars in their high metallic content concentrate the ley line magic so that it shoots out like a laser across the world. As the magic of the volcano is ex post out these magical metallic pillars collect in the energy and then there is an expulsion out on the other side in a tight laser-like beam.
  • There has to be something more to these mountains to focus these like lasers that can shoot across the world. Metal doesn't block it.
  • Once discovered by the world, the Motuahi people make every effort to protect these pillars. They are the source of the ley lines and if they were to be destroyed, that specific ley line would disappear from the world.
  • There are 12 islands that hold these magical pillars. There are multiple pillars of varying sizes that create the ley lines at varying sizes and angles from the original volcanic source of the power. No matter what angle it is sent off to it eventually tracks back and hits Trilenius.
  • There are other types of these mountains that have been formed across the world if these happen to be close to where Linda goes through.

First generation Pulse Riders:

It was the colonists from Trilenius who set up research points in Motuahi that were first able to discover and analyze the ley lines up close. These research facilities led to being able to harness the power of the ley lines and focus all of their energies into a central core. These now rapidly recharged and super-powered cores could then be used by magicians for their purposes.

Core powered steam sailing vessels

(NOTE: I'm not sure where I want to have the advent of steam powered to be introduced into the world generally. Because once steam power is out there and is able to power ships or power zeppelins, it's not much of a difference to have the same mechanical advantage without the use of fairies. I still think it would be really cool to have a burgeoning technology that competes with the fairies prior to the great decimation but I am concerned with how that would impact the technological evolution.)

Silver Sails

The first practical application of harnessing ley line technology was the use of silver sails. Silver sales were specially crafted to be collect the energies of the ley line and focus them through to become a propulsion system. These giant sales absorb the entry and in the same manner as the mountains around Motuahi focuses it into a laser beam, these sales collect the light energy put it into a "magic black box" which then has a gold panel that when inserted into a ley line acts as an expulsion.

But if I can say that again better this time

The giant silver sales collect the energy from the ley lines as a magical absorber. All of that energy is then focused down into a conversion process that puts all of that energy into a gold panel when the gold panel is extended out into the ley line, it is pushed away.

So if there was a giant wooden paddle where there was one side is silver with a leyer of insulation at the core and the other side is cold sticking that paddle out into a ley line will cause the one side to absorb and the other side to ask pulse the energy. The silver pulls forward and the gold pushes it forward.

The "black box converter" that translates the silver collected energy into the gold expulsion energy is a magical incantation upon an artifact of some kind. It cannot be replicated by steam or by any other non-magical method. This will allow transportation to be affected but not able to survive through the great decimation. One, there won't be any more fairies to power the conversion.


Future generations of the silver sales were converted into wrappings for other zeppelin. These giant dirigibles had long sleek balloons that were covered with the silver sails. About 90% of the dirigible was silver. The back tip of the balloon is the golden panel that serves as the expulsion.

Writers and side wings were also used to allow the air currents to steer the ship. So the propulsion was completely magical, the steering is mechanical.


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Jan 8, 2022 23:03

I never, in a hundred years, would've thought about Leylines as a form of travel or that they would be underground/water. Wonderful creative use of an old thought!