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Orc Ball

While most pureblooded orcs have long since vanished off the face of the world their decedents still keep their traditions going if altered somewhat.


As with any culture, the Orcs had many many games and sports. There were games for children, adults, warriors, and commoners. Being a deeply bloodthirsty people, their games would often have a warlike significance. Sometimes they would be based on the famous battles the most infamous sport becoming almost central to the Orcish culture - Awerkall.   Awerkall was played on any field that was long enough. It was a very difficult game played with the remains of an enemy (the name of the game comes from the orcish words awer for guts or organs and kall for sphere or ball) to create their balls. The bladder, head, and stomach of the corpse was removed and would be treated by dipping the organs in tar and covered in sap.   The game grew to the point it was not just important for entertainment, but also influenced politics and religion. With tribes playing against one another, it's not surprising that the Awerkall game took on political significance. A win or a loss was very much taken to heart. At times, the game would turn into an excuse for an assassination or attack. The game might also be used to settle differences between two parties.   Huge wagers might be made by chieftains as well. A story is told of two chieftains, one wagering prisoners/slaves, another wagering a longship. The longship was lost, but the winning chieftain was assassinated when members of the losing tribe congratulated him. They gave him a garland, with a leather strangling cord hidden inside.   The teams would face each other on the field. The objective in the end was to get the ball through a stone hoop with three spikes. A priest would enter the field, place the ball in the center and call a blessing upon the match. This would start the game and the Orcs would smash into the center trying to reach the ball. While the ball was in play each team could kick, swing, or bash the ball past the other team. You could use your hands to hit the ball but you could not grasp the ball. One member of each team was allowed a blunt weapon such as a club used to both bash enemies and hit the ball.   Once the ball was knocked into the stone hoop the organ would be impaled upon the winning teams hoop and the next organ would be placed into the center of the field by the priest. After the second organ was scored the head would be brought and the final round would begin.   For each organ impaled upon the teams hoop they scored a single point while the head was worth two points. This could mean even a team with two losses could turn the game around and tie. Unfortunately with these ties often the field would erupt into fights from both teams and spectators.   While the Green Tide was banished many half-orcs still survived and eventually attempted to join civilization and humanity. Some were raised by Orcs and enjoyed Awerkall it would not be accepted widely among humanity. Instead of the head and organs of their enemies they used a pigs organs instead. While the populace was still disgusted by the balls they were intrigued by the game itself and soon enough humans began trying their own version. They mishead awerkall and just started calling the game Orc Ball.   The game is still in it's infancy as each team brings their own customized clubs and the questions of weather a wizard can bring a golem as a member of the team or as a club is being faced each game but with the rise of popularity it will only be a matter of time before a more codified game arises.


Two teams of six people would face each other on the field and attempt to get a ball through a stone hoop. A referee would enter the field, place the ball in the center and begin the match. This would start the game and the players would smash into the center trying to reach the ball. While the ball was in play each team could kick, swing, or bash the ball attempting to get the ball through the hoop. You could use your hands to hit the ball but you could not grasp the ball. One member of each team was allowed a wooden blunt weapon to both bash enemies and hit the ball. Should a player be knocked down the other team is not allowed to hit them while they are down (there is only one referee in a game and they are the final arbiter on what counts as a foul) or else the fouling team will be docked a point. After an hour has passed the team with the most points wins.

Components and tools

A field, two raised hoops, a ball, and two clubs.


From it's origins in Gedic the game has spread far and wide and various versions have been played all across the world. Some variations have arose such as Elf ball that bans the use of hands while Kobold Ball puts all three balls in at once. The most popular place to play is in Galenyrae where an official field has been created in the various districts and the Guilds have begun to sponsor tournaments.
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