Aesin Ethnicity in Sadin'Shaw | World Anvil
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What does a weapon do in times of peace? Where does a soldier go when all he can do is kill? -Unknown aesin warrior poet
  As it is known through much of the world, dwarves are not born but are made, and to each dwarf a purpose is given. When the Expansion War brought the breeds to fight mankind many dwarves were made to wage war. Aesin were literally made for war through the Ritual to create a Dwarf. Several mistakes were made as the dwarves had enough knowledge to give a dwarf a proper purpose to defend their land but unable to fight a war. The first dwarves made to fight were little better than wild animals that could only kill, each successive company of dwarven soldiers was slightly better, much of the dwarven forces began as additions to elf armies but with experience the dwarves were able to pass their knowledge onto the next generation of dwarves.  
Aesin were dwarves just like us, but they could only fight and kill, they could not bring about peace. So we had to send them away, but not without giving them their last mission - Snag Roadlayer, Dwarven city planner
  But when the dwarves were forced to surrender the question was asked, "What would be done with the dwarves who only know war" for a dwarf going against their purpose was unthinkable. Unlike dwarves meant to guard the aesin as they came to be known, were unable to integrate into civilized society. Rather than watch fellow dwarves break the peace, kill themselves, or worse the aesin were sent abroad to learn to better wag war. While they were unable to survive on their own more dwarves were made to support the aesin as the remaining dwarven soldiers were sent aboard as a mercenary company. Their second and secret mission was to learn to better wage war so they could return to stop human expansion, while this was not expected to occur anytime soon it was understood at the time for the dwarves to survive they would eventually have to break the peace.   In the hundred years since the aesin split from the mountain dwarves the war dwarves have carved out a modest life as a mercenary company known for their siege weapons. Many a dwarven adventurer comes from the aesin as they are sent abroad with the purpose of finding new and better ways to kill all manner of creature. Those that survive and are successful return to the aesin as heroes sharing their knowledge and skills with the next generation.  
It has been a hundred years since we saw an aesin on Gedic and looking back I believe we made a mistake. We still thought that it would be either humans or dwarves as we went to war but now we see it is civilization versus nature and with humanity we have thrived. If the aesin return hundreds of years from now they will find they must fight humans and dwarves, for our fates are now inexorably intertwined. -Tomac Highcrow, Dwarven foreman/leader


Culture and cultural heritage

One of the youngest group barely older than two hundred years old the aesin have little heritage save for what they have adopted from mountain dwarves. As they are further separated from their brethren on Gedic they have begun to develop their own culture around war and it's many faces.

Common Dress code

Aesin favor sturdy armor as often as possible with even the most casual or formal setting forcing the dwarves to wear light armor. Even those aesin that support the company as cooks, cleaners, and other such skilled laborers all wear leather armor if possible.

Art & Architecture

While the early aesin had no skill or purpose for art it has been considered a possibility that through creative thinking wars can be won. To that end a number of warrior poets and scribes have been given a purpose to better develop softer skills. As for architecture most of the aesin buildings are mobile tents crafted for their utilitarian benefits over style.

Common Taboos

Aesin are forbidden from returning to Gedic until they are able to conquer the country single-handedly. They are aware that should they fail the majority of dwarves could be destroyed in retaliation.

Common Myths and Legends

The eventual return to Gedic has taken on a near mythic position as new dwarves who never stood on their ancestral lands ask of their forefather's homeland. Thoughts of bringing salvation to dwarven kind and conquering humanity are but dreams for now but soon they will blossom into legends of their own.

Historical figures

The first dwarven berserkers were the earliest aesin, while they were all killed they took a great many humans with them before their eventual deaths. These berserkers are the inspiration for many a tale of dwarven ferocity and have been a template for a select few attempts to create fierce but intelligence fighters.

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