August 7 - A Harrowing Journey at Sea Report in Runeterra | World Anvil
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August 7 - A Harrowing Journey at Sea

General Summary

What Happened?
After a day at sea, the ship was overcome by the Black Mist. For nearly a minute, the the ship and those onboard were harried by Unleashed Spirits sapping their strength and life force. At one point, a revenant bearing resemblance to Lacarria was brought forth, though dressed in more martial attire. It claimed to be the true owner of herbody and fought hard to reclaim it but was denied thanks to some assistance from the rest of the party.
  After the Black Mist passed, the ship was left in a state of somber as roughly a fourth of the crew was taken out during the assault. After a swift burial at sea, the journey continued.
  After a couple more days, the party decided to lighten the mood with some diving. The second day of diving proved to be more eventful when Turt caught sight of a Plesiosaurus that she Dominated with the use of Xoher's Trident. After it wore off, she had to make a quick escape.
  About a day away from arriving at Mudtown, three winged creatures approached the ship. Once they got closer, individuals could make out a bit more detail: bizarre creatures that blend the body and wings of a sizeable bird of prey with the head of a fanged stag. What the fuck is up with that?

Rewards Granted

Nobody (important) died!
Report Date
07 Aug 2022
Primary Location