7 JAN - Curses, Dreams, and Madness Report in Runeterra | World Anvil
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7 JAN - Curses, Dreams, and Madness

General Summary

Days of Downtime and Research

Current Date: Morning of 28 Octatyr, 994 AN (New Moon)
    A few days of "downtime" with a couple small things going on.
  • In one corner, Agon had some lovely dreams of a familiar-looking, silver-haired woman killing a sun dragon wyrmling. Things got a bit spooky as she turned, showing purple-hazed eyes that seemed to notice him. She left him a lovely message that she would be ending things for both sides before he was killed in the dream - waking up.
  • An interview with the intern from the Journal of Justice
  • Logi spent a lot of time, occasionally with assistance from Turt, trying to decipher the Symbol-Etched Tome the party had found in the Montveau Theater. A lot of failed Wisdom saving throws later, Logi was able to dissect some information out of the tome. But at what cost?
  • Meanwhile, Turt was having some struggles recovering from something. After taking a look at the situation, the party noticed that Turt's and Lacarria's life force were being syphoned slowly through their blessings to another plane. While Lacarria seemed to be doing okay, Turt was getting weaker but managed to fight off some of the strain. They tried dispelling the blessing but found that only got rid of the positive aspects of the blessing.
  • At the same time, the party did some information gathering about the Gnaur, the Warlock they encountered below the city, and about Vlenn, the mage that bestowed the blessings
  • Gnaur was found to be a former student of the University of Piltover that left due to ethical differences. They were also previously a student of a Noxian magical academy and have a preference for the Conjuration school of magic
  • Vlenn does not seem to have a background within the city. No records were found of her at the University. An attempt to visit her shop found that it had been burgled and that they had set up a relay system to conduct business through Dreams. One pair of party members attempted to threaten her wherein she ended the Dream visit. During the next session, Ago was able to probe into her mind a bit to learn about a pact with Gnar, though that is all that was learned

    Downtime Activity Tracker

    We've got some ongoing Downtime activities going on in the background:
  • Agon is attending classes with a speech coach (Performance) (8 weeks remaining)
  • Laccaria learning Thieves' Tools (2 weeks remaining)
  • Logi has been reading from the CURSED FUCKING BOOK THEY FOUND BELONGING TO A CULT. Failed a lot of Wisdom Saves.
  • Sprout learning an instrument to play (8 weeks remaining)
  • Turt is learning Deep Speech (1.5 weeks remaining)
  • Report Date
    01 Feb 2024
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