28 APR - Special Delivery, Act I Report in Runeterra | World Anvil
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28 APR - Special Delivery, Act I

General Summary

A Simple Plan and Crate of Cats

Current Date: Night of 6 Enneatyr, 994 AN (Waxing Crescent)
  After getting back from their adventure and taking care of various tasks in town, Laccaria was was approached by a street urchin to deliver a message. A little bit of flattery got the party to head over the Wounded Rogue and meet their potential benefactor, Karolin Threesilver. She told the party that the job would entail acquiring an unnamed object currently being held on a disguised pirate ship in the Wharf District. There was some deliberation but, ultimately, the party decided to take the offer (2,000 GP in exchange for the "package" undamaged).   After some short preperation, the party headed over to the western docks to get a look at the situation. A bit of reconnaissance alerted the party of the ship being run by a pair of deathlocks and a bunch of skeletons. With all this in mind, they spent the next chunk of time going over thirty million hypotheticals and plans to plot the proper course to success. And then some chaos of dropping concentration here and there to cast other spells... they managed to secure the crate and get it off the ship. Inside it were three cats, one of which seemed to be a person under the effects of a modified polymorph, Falique Chasez.   Apparently, he is a thief that was hired by Karolin Threesilver to break into a mage's tower in the Noxian city of Vindor and steal some goods. While he was there, he realized it was a branch of one of the clans on the Piltover Council, House Medarda. He also mentioned that one of the things he had picked up was particularly valuable to Lady Izail of House Medarda ("a lich or demilich or something like that") that turned him into a cat. He was able to escape, but it seemed the object he and/or the object he had stolen were being tracked as he got chased from location to location.   While he was attempting to get the party to help him (failing to do so, sadly), the party heard a somewhat familiar howl followed by the voice of Gnaur who seems to have sent some friends to try to take back the book fucky tome that Logi has been trying to glaze information from.

Downtime Activity Tracker

We've got some ongoing Downtime activities going on in the background (No change):
  • Agon is attending classes with a speech coach (Performance) (8 weeks remaining)
  • Laccaria learning Thieves' Tools (2 weeks remaining)
  • Logi has been reading from the CURSED FUCKING BOOK THEY FOUND BELONGING TO A CULT. Failed a lot of Wisdom Saves.
  • Sprout learning an instrument to play (8 weeks remaining)
  • Turt is learning Deep Speech (1.5 weeks remaining)
  • Rewards Granted

  • Within the lockbox from the Twilight Tower were some goodies:
  • One Elixir of Iron
  • One Elixir of Sorcery
  • One Elixir of Wrath
  • One spell book with the following spells: (0th-level) Firebolt, Lightning Lure, Ray of Frost, Light, Prestidigitation; (1st-level) Comprehend Languages, Grease, Hideous Laughter, Magic Missile, Shield, Silent Image; (2nd-Level) Blindness/Deafness, Invisibility, See Invisiblity; (3rd-Level) Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Magic Circle, Meld Into Stone, Stinking Cloud; (4th-Level) Dimension Door, Resilient Sphere, Stoneskin (5th-Level) Planar Binding, Telapathic Bond, Teleportation Circle; (6th-Level) Transformation
  • Campaign
    Souper Troopers
    Report Date
    28 Apr 2024
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location